Community Health Clinics provides free quality medical care services in Wichita County, Kansas to low income families who do not have insurance.
If you can't afford any health insurance and don’t qualify for coverage through Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), you can get low-cost health care at a nearby community health center.
Most of the free clinics near you in Wichita County, Kansas are community based charitable clinics funded by grants and private donations.
Free Vision Clinics
If you don't have vision insurance for routine eye exams and prescription eyeglasses, there are public and private organizations may be able to help you with a free eye exam and affordable eyeglasses.
The Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, doesn't mandate that individual must cover vision for adults. According to Vision Service Plan (VSP), about 62 million people don't have any kind of vision coverage. A Harris Poll survey funded by Prevent Blindness found that One in four U.S. women has not had an eye exam in the last two years.
- Routine Eye Exams
- Pediatric Eye Care
- Glaucoma Test
- Prescription Eyeglasses
- Dry Eye
- Retina Scan
We have located 1 low cost or free vision clinics in or around Wichita County, Kansas which provides a wide array of services. We have partnered with clinics so you can also check your eligibility.
There are programs that help people in financial need get the free eye care and free prescription eye wear.
Free Eye Exam
- Medicare: for diabetic patient with glaucoma
- InfantSEE®: for infant age 6-12 months
- Medicaid: Health Insurance for child
- Vision USA: to uninsured, low-income workers and their families
- EyeCare America: for qualifying seniors
- Lions Clubs International: for qualifying seniors
Free Prescription Eye Glasses
- Sight for Students, VSP Eyes of Hope gift certificate programs
- New Eyes: for poor children and adults in the United States
Click on to find out more about free eye care and free prescription eye glasses.