A number of food banks, soup kitchens for hot meals and free emergency food pantries in Orange, Florida distribute groceries to individuals or families who are in some form of an emergency situation.
There are also meals, free bags of food, personal toiletries and household goods for low to moderate income families from food pantries near you.
Distribution centers can include churches, non-profit organizations, community action agencies, and many other local charities as well as non-profits.
Salvation Army Food Pantry
The Salvation Army is dedicated to eliminating food insecurity.
The Salvation Army operates free local food banks around Orange, Florida from almost all of their local social service centers. The charity organization is involved in feeding millions of families each year, with a large percentage of those assisted being children as well as the elderly.
We have located 4 Salvation Army Food Pantry locations in Orange, Florida which provides a wide array of services. We have partnered so you can also check your eligibility.
The Salvation Army - Orlando, FL Area Command
Services provided :
- Character Building Programs
- Christian Education
- Disaster Services
- Emergency Financial Assistance
- Emergency Shelter
- Food & Nutrition Programs
- Men's Ministries
- Music & Arts Programs
- Seasonal Services
- Senior Citizens Residences
- Women's Ministries
- Worship Services - Children's / Teen
- Worship Services - Church
- Worship Services - Sunday School
- Worship Services - Young Adult
- Worship Services - Youth Ministries
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (407) 423-8581 to book your appointment.
Address :
416 W Colonial Dr,
Orlando, FL 32804.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Counties:
- Orange
The Salvation Army Family Store & Donation Center
Services provided :
- Drop Box
- Salvation Army Family Store
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (407) 295-9311 to book your appointment.
Address :
3899 W Colonial Dr,
Orlando, FL 32808.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Counties:
- Orange
The Salvation Army - Dalton, GA
Services provided :
- Casework Services
- Character Building Programs
- Day Camp Activities
- Disaster Services
- Emergency Financial Assistance
- Men's Ministries
- Seasonal Services
- Store
- Transitional Housing
- Women's Ministries
- Worship Services - Children's / Teen
- Worship Services - Church
- Worship Services - Sunday School
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (706) 278-3966 to book your appointment.
Address :
1109 N Thornton Ave, dalton,
Orlando, FL 32803.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Counties:
- Orange
The Salvation Army Orlando
The Salvation Army Orlando Area Command meets human needs in Orange and Osceola Counties by feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, providing immediate assistance in times of personal crisis or natural disaster and providing nurturing youth programs for our community's leaders of tomorrow.
Food Pantry Assistance Program provides free food to feed families and individuals in need. We supply groceries for residents that do not have enough food because they lack the resources to purchase it. We serve everyone from low income families, single parents, senior citizens, unemployed individuals, disabled veterans, working poor and anyone else that comes to the pantry that needs help. We serve everyone regardless of their race, color or religion. The amount of food given depends on household size.
You will need to provide the following documentation when coming to The Salvation Army;
-Social Security Cards for all members of the household.
-Proof of Orange County residency. Example; A recent utility bill within the last 30 days.
-Photo I.D. for the head of the household or the person making application for assistance.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (407) 423-8581ext2649 to book your appointment.
Address :
400 W Colonial Dr,
Orlando, FL 32804.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM
- Tues: 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM
- Wed: 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM
- Thurs: 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM
- Fri: 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Orange
- Osceola
Church Food Pantry
A number of churches around Orange, Florida have food pantries for those in their neighborhoods who are in need of food items.
Churches operate with food donations gathered and deliver to the food pantry nearest you by individuals using food drives.
Some churches also deliver food items to elderly who are unable to drive to a nearest community food pantry. Please contact your local church directly.
We have located 6 Church Food Pantry locations in Orange, Florida which provides a wide array of services. We have partnered so you can also check your eligibility.
RU Recovery Ministries - Harvest Baptist Church
Feed the Hungry Ministry is a progam which aims to reach as many families that are in need as possible and provide them with the necessary assistance.
Services provided :
- food pantry
- financial assistance
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (407) 425-3109 to book your appointment.
Address :
514 S Parramore Ave,
Orlando, FL 32805.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Tues: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Wed: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Thurs: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Cities:
- Orlando
Joy Metropolitan Community Church
Our food pantry provides food to meet basic nutritional needs for individuals and families in need. Our clients are children, adults or senior citizens with limited or no income, who simply have fallen on hard times or recently unemployed and simply need assistance to make ends meet.
Documents required: Photo ID
Services provided :
- emergency food
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (407) 894-1081 to book your appointment.
Address :
2351 S Ferncreek Ave,
Orlando, FL 32806.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: Closed
- Tues: 10:00 AM - 02:00 PM
- Wed: Closed
- Thurs: 10:00 AM - 02:00 PM
- Fri: Closed
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Cities:
- Orlando
Christ the King Episcopal Church - Food Pantry
Beginning June 9th 2012, we took a leap of faith in responding to God’s call to expand our Food Pantry Ministry beyond our congregation by serving those in need in our community. On the second Saturday of each month since, we have opened our Parish Hall doors at 9 am and distributed as many bags of food as our supply allows on a first come, first served basis. Within four months, the pantry went from serving a few families to serving 159 families which represented a total of 586 people! In addition to Saturday distributions, we continue to give Emergency Food Bags to anyone in need during the month.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (407) 277-1151 to book your appointment.
Address :
26 Willow Dr,
Orlando, FL 32807.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Cities:
- Orlando
Help Residents of Counties:
- Orange
First Baptist Church of Pine Castle - Food Pantry
Food Pantry: To provide food and supplies, for needy families in the Church and local community.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (407) 855-4741 to book your appointment.
Address :
1001 Hoffner Ave,
Orlando, FL 32809.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Cities:
- Orlando
Help Residents of Counties:
- Orange
South Orlando Baptist Church - Food Pantry
Many people have lost jobs because of the downturn of the economy and other unfortunate circumstances. As a church body, we want to collect food continually to help our friends and family get through these difficult times. If you are going through a difficult time and cannot buy groceries for your family, we would like to help. All you need to do is come to the church office, present us with a picture ID (i.e. driver’s license or state identification card), and tell us if you have a place to cook the food. Anyone can receive food once every 3 months per person. Please remember that this is a ministry of our church and for those who truly are in need of food. If you know someone or know a family who is in need, we ask that you submit their names and a way we can contact them so that we might be able to help.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (407) 859-1536 to book your appointment.
Address :
11513 S Orange Blossom Trl,
Orlando, FL 32837.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Cities:
- Orlando
Help Residents of Counties:
- Orange
Ocoee Oaks Church Food Pantry
We help feed many local families in need.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (407) 293-0700 to book your appointment.
Address :
201 S Clarke Rd,
Ocoee, FL 34761.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Cities:
- Ocoee
Help Residents of Counties:
- Orange
Catholic Charities Food Pantry
Resources provided by the Catholic Charity organization focus on addressing food, holiday, and immigration needs.
Families of all religions, backgrounds, and cultures can contact Catholic Charity centers for help.
Catholic Charities in Orange, Florida are open to families on a first-come, first-serve basis. The centers operate during normal business hours, and provide walk-ins with groceries, food boxes, and items to prepare a meal.
The food pantries are like grocery stores, allow clients the ability to choose the items they need from the groceries that are available on site.
First-time clients of the food pantry will need to apply, and this is done from a one-page application. An applicant will need to provide basic household member as well as demographic information.
We have located 1 Catholic Charities Food Pantry locations in Orange, Florida which provides a wide array of services. We have partnered so you can also check your eligibility.
Catholic Charities of Central Florida - Semoran Food Pantry
The mission of Catholic Charities of Central Florida is to provide vital social services to people in need, regardless of their religious, social or economic background, to improve lives of individuals, families and the community. Food Assistance is available through Catholic Charities of Central Florida’s regional Food Pantries. Semoran Food Pantry: M, W, TH, F: 9 am - 11 am and 1 pm - 3 pm
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (407) 658-1818 to book your appointment.
Address :
1771 N Semoran Blvd,
Orlando, FL 32807.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Cities:
- Orlando
Help Residents of Counties:
- Orange
Helping Hands Food Pantry
Helping Hands is a faith-based 501(c)(3) food pantry operated around Orange, Florida almost entirely by volunteers.
It provides a 7-day supply of groceries and personal care items free of charge to people in need, regardless of their religious beliefs.
Helping Hands is supported entirely by donations from individuals, service organizations, churches, and businesses in our community.
Find a local helping hands food pantry open near you.
We have located 1 Helping Hand Food Pantry locations in Orange, Florida which provides a wide array of services. We have partnered so you can also check your eligibility.
Knights Helping Knights Pantry
The Knights Helping Knights Pantry began from a class project in a first year LEAD Scholars course in 2009. UCF students wanted to create a food pantry where fellow students would have access to free necessities if they fell on hard times. This grass roots initiative strived to ensure that UCF students would not have to choose between buying text books or buying groceries. Since its inception, the Knights Helping Knights Pantry has expanded from a closet at the Student Union to its own suite located in Ferrell Commons attached to the All Knight Study facility. Currently, the Knights Helping Knights Pantry is supported by the Student Union and funded by the Student Government Association and generous community donors. Two student staff members and a team of volunteers help keep the doors open for students 5 days a week. As the Knights Pantry has continued to expand, so have our offerings to students in need. From the beginning our goal has been to help students. We do our best to do so every day with the help of so many campus partners. The UCF community continues to unite in support of our efforts through hosting food drives, volunteering at the Pantry, and donating to support our continuing operations. To find out more about our program, please check out the rest of our site or contact a member of our staff. The Knights Helping Knights Pantry is committed to serving UCF students by providing basic needs including food, clothing, and personal hygiene items to foster continued academic success and increase retention for s tudents in need. Access to the Knights Pantry is reserved for UCF Students who present a valid Student ID upon entry. Students are limited to 5 food items per day. There is currently no limit for toiletries or clothing.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (407) 823-3663 to book your appointment.
Address :
4000 Central Florida Blvd,
Ferrell Commons Orlando, FL 32816.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Cities:
- Ferrell Commons Orlando
Help Residents of Counties:
- Orange
Mobile Food Pantry
The mobile food pantry program distributes food directly to families in communities around Orange, Florida in need during large-scale one-day distributions.
A typical mobile pantry serves 200-250 families distributing up to 10,000 pounds of food. This past year over 6.6 million pounds were distributed through this program.
Mobile food pantries usually visit churches, community centers, schools, shopping centers, and other convenient locations. They usually go to areas where there aren't grocery stores or other food pantries.
Mobile Food Pantry Schedule 2025
Unlike traditional food pantries where you go to them, mobile pantry trucks come to you. Food banks sometimes have an online mobile food pantry schedule.
Mobile food pantry scheduled to visit a community once a week or once a month. There may be last-minute cancellations or changes so recheck the mobile food pantry schedule before you plan to go.
We have located 0 Mobile Food Pantry locations in Orange, Model.Content.StateName which provides a wide array of services. We have partnered so you can also check your eligibility.
St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry
The St. Vincent de Paul food pantry operates around Orange, Florida much like a grocery store where people in need can choose their own food. It helps to enhance their personal dignity and reduces waste due to unwanted food items.
It also helps them to be proactive in addressing any underlying health issues. This is our model of choice for food pantries in the future.
We have located 0 St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry locations in Orange, Florida which provides a wide array of services. We have partnered so you can also check your eligibility.
Food Pantry Delivery Program
Food Pantry Delivery Program delivers food and other products once a month at twenty points in around Orange, Florida area. This makes it just a bit easier for some of more remote rural agencies to receive their products. About 70% of members take advantage of the Food Pantry Delivery Program.
Food Pantry
We have located 18 Food Pantry locations in Orange, Florida which provides a wide array of services. We have partnered so you can also check your eligibility.
One Heart For Women And Children Inc
Feeding Homeless program provides food, clothes, shoes and personal hygiene items for homeless.
For more information call us on 321-299-4594.
Services provided :
- food delivery
- food pantry
- clothing
- personal care items
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (321) 299-4594 to book your appointment.
Address :
2040 N Rio Grande Ave,
Orlando, FL 32804.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Tues: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Wed: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Thurs: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Orange
Family Ties Ministries
Emergency Food Pantry offers food to meet the needs of hungry and homeless people in Central Florida.
Services provided :
- emergency food
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (407) 592-5881 to book your appointment.
Address :
1515 N Alafaya Trl,
Orlando, FL 32828.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: Closed
- Tues: Closed
- Wed: Closed
- Thurs: Closed
- Fri: Closed
- Sat: 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Orange
Islamic Society of Central Florida
Seeds of Paradise Food Pantry provides food to feed low-income individuals and families in need. We supply groceries for residents that do not have enough food because they lack the resources to purchase it.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (407) 250-5822 to book your appointment.
Address :
1460 N Goldenrod Rd, SUITE 105,
Orlando, FL 32807.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Tues: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Wed: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Thurs: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Orange
United Against Poverty
Our Member Share Grocery Program is a dignified food and household assistance program where you can personally select the nutritious food items your family needs.
How it works: We purchase groceries in bulk and receive product donations from major grocery chains. Our program members contribute a small handling fee per item, to cover transportation costs and to help our organization continue to get nutritional and basic needs items into the hands of those who can best benefit.
The Member Share Grocery program makes it possible for families who qualify by income to regularly obtain food and hygiene-related items.
The Member Share Grocery Program serves families who fall at 200% of the federal poverty level or below.
To apply, please visit our website and download the application.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (407) 650-0774 to book your appointment.
Address :
150 W Michigan St, SUITE A,
Orlando, FL 32806.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Tues: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Wed: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Thurs: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Sat: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- St. Lucie
- Indian River
- Orange
Our Mission is to shelter, feed, and educate people and children into achieving a permanent change in their life that enables them to be self sufficient, and capable of being valuable in our society.
Our food pantry provides food to meet basic nutritional needs for individuals and families in need and is available throughout Orange County, FL. Our clients are children, adults or senior citizens with limited or no income, who simply have fallen on hard times or recently unemployed. Eligibility is determined by need and the resources available.
The pantry is operated every Wednesday from 3:00 PM until 6:00 PM. For more information call 407-383-7695.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (407) 383-7695 to book your appointment.
Address :
11633 Bruce Hunt Rd,
Clermont, FL 34715.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Tues: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Wed: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Thurs: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Orange
New Vision Ministry Inc
The mission of New Vision Ministry is to bring the gospel to nations and to help end homelessness and hunger.
New Vision Ministry Food & Clothing Pantry provides free food to feed families and individuals in need. We supply groceries for residents that do not have enough food because they lack the resources to purchase it. We serve everyone from low income families, single parents, senior citizens, unemployed individuals, disabled veterans, working poor, and anyone else that comes to the pantry that needs We serve everyone regardless of their race, color, or religion. The amount of food given depends on household size.” The pantry is operated Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 AM - 4 PM.
Visit our location during operation to receive food and clothing or call us for more information.
Services provided :
- food pantry
- clothing
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (407) 953-2387 to book your appointment.
Address :
1624 Renee Ave,
Orlando, FL 32825.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Tues: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Wed: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Thurs: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Orange
Open Arms Ministries
Open Arms Ministries is committed to meeting the needs of all people regardless of faith, race or gender. Through God's favor we are able to provide food, clothing, shelter, literacy programs and counseling for those in need thus allowing them to experience the unconditional love and never-ending hope that is found through Jesus Christ. Food distribution is every Saturday from 10 am - 12 pm.
Visit us for our services
Services provided :
- temporary shelter
- food pantry
- clothing
- counseling
- basic literacy
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (407) 683-7714 to book your appointment.
Address :
3939 Rosewood Way,
Orlando, FL 32808.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Tues: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Wed: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Thurs: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Orange
Jewish Family Services (JFS) Orlando
Jewish Family Services of Greater Orlando (JFS Orlando) is a human services organization founded on the principles of community building, kindness, compassion and concern for the betterment of our world. Since 1978, JFS Orlando has provided social and emergency assistance services to those in need in the Central Florida community.
The Family Stabilization Program (FSP) is a preventative, six-month case management program. The program is designed for families to obtain self sufficiency by teaching them critical skills and tools to resolve crises and avoid future hardships while achieving long term stability. The program’s primary objectives are to improve money management skills, family functioning, mental stress, and to maintain or improve employability and housing while reducing stress. This is accomplished by providing clients with a variety of supportive services at no cost to participants.
This long term case management program helps families become more self sufficient through:
- Budgeting
- Financial Counseling
- Financial Literacy Workshops
- Food Pantry Assistance
- Interview and Job Search Skills
- Mental Health Counseling
- Resume Writing
Services provided :
- food pantry
- mental health care
- counseling
- financial education
- navigating the system
- help find work
- skills & training
- interview training
- resume development
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (407) 644-7593 to book your appointment.
Address :
2100 Lee Rd,
Winter Park, FL 32789.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 08:00 AM - 04:45 PM
- Tues: 08:00 AM - 04:45 PM
- Wed: 08:00 AM - 04:45 PM
- Thurs: 08:00 AM - 04:45 PM
- Fri: 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Orange
- Seminole
Jubilo Orlando Community Outreach
Jubilo Orlando Community Outreach program provides food, toiletries, clothing, shoes, haircuts and medical check ups to help the Orlando homeless.
For more information call 321-209-2044]
Services provided :
- food pantry
- clothing
- personal care items
- checkup & test
- personal hygiene
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (321) 209-2044 to book your appointment.
Address :
5281 Central Florida Pkwy,
Orlando, FL 32821.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Tues: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Wed: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Thurs: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Orange
Human Crisis Center, Inc.
Our food pantry provides food to meet basic nutritional needs for individuals and families in need. Our clients are children, adults or senior citizens with limited or no income, who simply have fallen on hard times or recently unemployed and simply need assistance to make ends meet.
Appointments usually can be scheduled a week after calling
We serve the following zip codes: 32804, 32808, 32810, 32751, 32789
Please bring a valid photo ID
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (407) 521-7750 to book your appointment.
Address :
5514 Edgewater Dr,
Orlando, FL 32810.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 09:00 AM - 03:00 AM EST
- Tues: 09:00 AM - 03:00 AM EST
- Wed: 09:00 AM - 03:00 AM EST
- Thurs: 09:00 AM - 03:00 AM EST
- Fri: 09:00 AM - 03:00 AM EST
- Sat: 09:00 AM - 03:00 AM EST
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Cities:
- Orlando
Jewish Family Services (JFS) Orlando
JFS Orlando's Pearlman Emergency Food Pantry provides emergency food assistance to hungry individuals and families in Central Florida. Clients are eligible to receive food assistance at no cost to them once every six months. Appointments only! Please call 407-644-7593 and dial “0” to schedule an appointment.
Call 407-644-7593 to schedule an appointment. Please bring a photo ID and Social Security cards for those living in the household.
Services provided :
- emergency food
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (407) 644-7593 to book your appointment.
Address :
Harrison, NJ 07029.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 08:00 AM - 04:45 PM EST
- Tues: 08:00 AM - 04:45 PM EST
- Wed: 08:00 AM - 04:45 PM EST
- Thurs: 08:00 AM - 04:45 PM EST
- Fri: 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Orange
- Osceola
- Seminole
Covenant House Florida Inc
Community Services Program provides an array of services to homeless youth ages 18 to 21 living on the street, who feel they are not ready to accept the structure of a residential shelter or for youth who have achieved stable housing but are in need of on-going supportive services in an aftercare environment. Services provided include case management, counseling, food pantry, hygiene supplies, clothing, laundry services, family reunification, transportation assistance and access to education.
Services provided :
- food pantry
- clothing
- personal care items
- transportation
- personal hygiene
- counseling
- one-on-one support
- more education
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (407) 482-0404 to book your appointment.
Address :
5931 E Colonial Dr,
Orlando, FL 32807.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Tues: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Wed: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Thurs: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Cities:
- Orlando
Loaves & Fishes
Loaves and Fishes was created in 1984 when a need arose to help feed the victims of two devastating freezes. Area churches combined their resources to create a ministry to help those less fortunate. Now, the need is even greater as the nations economic slump puts more people in desperate circumstances. Loaves and Fishes is funded by contributions from churches, businesses, schools, civic groups and individuals. There are a number of churches that support our ministry in many different ways. Some offer to volunteer services and monthly donations, while others hold food drives to help keep our pantry full.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (407) 886-6005 to book your appointment.
Address :
206 E 8th St,
Apopka, FL 32703.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Cities:
- Apopka
Help Residents of Counties:
- Orange
Hope and Help Center - Food Pantry
The Hope and Help Center is the largest AIDS Service Organization in Central Florida with 8 locations throughout 4 counties. At the Hope and Help Center, we care about each individual who comes to us and are here for anyone who needs assistance. We envision a world without AIDS, achieved through our mission to save lives by treating and preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS in Central Florida. The Hope and Help food pantry is located in our Winter Park office. The food pantry is a service provided to our clients on an emergency basis through a Case Manager referral. The food pantry is here to provide emergency assistance to our clients and their families to allow them to focus on ensuring they have their medications and can pay other bills and not worry about feeding their families. The food pantry is primarily funded through community donations and food drives.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (407) 645-2577 to book your appointment.
Address :
1935 Woodcrest Dr,
Winter Park, FL 32792.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Cities:
- Winter Park
Help Residents of Counties:
- Orange
Christian Service Center - Daily Bread (Orlando)
The Daily Bread program was established at the Christian Service Center in 1975 with a goal that no person in Central Florida would struggle with hunger. Daily Bread has offered a free nourishing noontime meal to anyone in the community who is hungry. Following our scriptural calling, it is significant to the Christian Service Center that Daily Bread be available at no cost and with no participation criteria. If someone comes hungry, they shall be served a meal. Monday through Friday: 12-1 p.m.; Sunday: 11 a.m.-12 p.m.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (407) 425-2523 to book your appointment.
Address :
24 Glenn Ln,
Orlando, FL 32804.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Cities:
- Orlando
Help Residents of Counties:
- Orange
Community Food & Outreach Center
Our Mission: To help those in need to transform their lives by providing food, crisis care, opportunities for education and employment, and a hand up to families, individuals and children who are fighting to break the cycle of poverty. The Community Food & Outreach Center provides a range of services to our clients who are struggling through unemployment, hunger, housing difficulties, and more. We are here to give you a “hand up†with one-on-one support from our caring staff and volunteers.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (407) 650-0774 to book your appointment.
Address :
150 W Michigan St,
Orlando, FL 32806.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Cities:
- Orlando
Help Residents of Counties:
- Orange
Christian Service Center - Daily Bread (Ocoee)
The Daily Bread program was established at the Christian Service Center in 1975 with a goal that no person in Central Florida would struggle with hunger. Daily Bread has offered a free nourishing noontime meal to anyone in the community who is hungry. Following our scriptural calling, it is significant to the Christian Service Center that Daily Bread be available at no cost and with no participation criteria. If someone comes hungry, they shall be served a meal. Monday through Saturday: 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (407) 656-6678 to book your appointment.
Address :
300 W Franklin St,
Ocoee, FL 34761.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Cities:
- Ocoee
Help Residents of Counties:
- Orange
REACH Emergency Food Pantry
REACH serves others by providing an Emergency Food Pantry. Eligibility is determined by need and the resources available. The REACH staff does everything it can to secure donations from the community to help those in need. REACH has fed thousands of people over its recent history. The REACH team makes every effort to pack nutritional and balanced meals; including canned and dry goods as well as fresh vegetables and meat. It is looking forward to continuing this tradition in the days ahead. Food Pantry Hours of Operation: Every Wednesday 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (407) 383-7695 to book your appointment.
Address :
568 W Silver Star Rd,
Ocoee, FL 34761.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Cities:
- Ocoee
Help Residents of Counties:
- Orange
Drive-thru Food Pantries
Since the start of the coronavirus, drive-thru food pantries have become the safest, most efficient way to provide food to our struggling neighbors.
Who can visit a drive-thru pantry?
Drive-thru pantries are open for anyone who needs help getting food. There are no eligibility criteria. Visitors do not need to provide any identification or income statements.
Only two piece of information is asked
- You Zipcode, and
- Number of people in their family.
You dont need to take appointment. Drive-thru pantries are first-come, first served so plan to arrive early.
How do drive-thru pantries actually work?
There are lot of volunteers help at Drive-thru food pantries. While not all drive-thru pantries operate in the same way, here�s how most work:
Staff and volunteers direct visitors to the parking area.
Visitors pull up to the pantry in their car and are usually guided into a clearly marked queue. As people move through the pantry, staff will continue to move the cars forward to get everyone through as quickly and safely as possible.
You are required to fill some information for Pantry's recording keeping.
Food is loaded into the cars.
Pre-packed bags of food, usually full of shelf-stable items like pasta, canned fruit and peanut butter, as well as fresh produce and meats are loaded by volunteers into the trunk of the car.
Pet Food Pantry
One in four pet owners who give up their pets to a shelter say it is because they cannot afford to care for them. Pet Food Pantries are designed to fill the void in the nation�s current assistance programs that exclude the purchase of food and supplies for family pets.
The Pet Food Pantry provides free pet food, for 3 months or less, to pet owners who cannot afford to feed their pets in Orange, Florida
Who are eligible for Pet Food Pantry
Pet Food Pantry helps people who are:
- All ages, races and marital status
- Unemployed or underemployed
- Retired, living on social security or other limited income
- Physically or mentally disabled
- Experiencing homelessness or housing instability
Tips for Visiting a Food Pantry
Show up early.
This is very important. This means you will be first in line and have a chance to get the items that are sought after and in limited quantities such as fresh produce, dairy and frozen food.
You don't usually need to show up hours ahead of time but coming at least an hour before is usually a good idea.
Remember all documentation.
Many food pantries require documentation to prove who you are, and in some cases, where you live.
This is to make sure people are not coming more than they are allowed or using fake names to do so. Call ahead of time to find out what documentation is needed.
It's just your photo ID and a piece of mail that verifies your address.
Use several food banks.
Using more than one food bank (when available) is smart because you may be able to get something at one that you may not get at another.
For instance, one may have a deal with a local gardener that gives them their extras. This may mean this food bank has more produce.
Eligible for other programs?
Ask your Department of Social Services office if you are eligible for other assistance programs to supplement your household’s food supply.
They can easily tell you if you can apply for WIC (Women and Infant Children), USDA Commodities or SNAP(Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) benefits.
Ask about extras.
If you have special needs for infants or special diets, the pantries may be able to assist you.
Many times, they can help with diapers, baby formula, baby food, personal hygiene products, and even special diet items like gluten free or sugar free foods.
Go on different days of the week.
Depending on the food pantry, they may be open only one or two days a week or they may be open all seven days. When you have a choice, going midweek is often best as it is less crowded.
Be polite to workers.
Nearly everyone at a food bank is a volunteer. Be polite to the workers there as they often deal with highly emotional situations.
FAQ(Frequently Asked Questions)
1. What is the difference between a food bank and a food pantry?
Independent community food pantries are self-governing and usually distribute food to their clients on a once-a-month basis. A food bank is the storehouse for millions of pounds of food and other products that go out to the community. A food pantry functions as the arms that reach out to that community directly.
2. What kind of food is at a food pantry?
Specifically, food banks often need items like:
- Peanut butter
- Canned soup
- Canned fruit
- Canned vegetables
- Pasta
- Canned beans
- Canned stew
- Canned fish
3. Who can go to food pantry?
At the majority of food pantries, eligibility is based on self-attested need. You do not need to have a referral, and income is not a factor to receive food.
4. What is the difference between a food pantry and a soup kitchen?
A food pantry provides three-day food packages to families that have a place to live, but not enough food. These packages are designed to provide nutritionally balanced meals. Soup kitchens serve individuals in need of a hot meal, the only meal of the day for many of them.
5. How does a food pantry work?
Food Banks acquire large donations of edible but unmarketable food from the food industry and distribute it to organizations that feed hungry people. Then they provide this food to family in a need.