A number of food banks, soup kitchens for hot meals and free emergency food pantries in San Bernardino, California distribute groceries to individuals or families who are in some form of an emergency situation.
There are also meals, free bags of food, personal toiletries and household goods for low to moderate income families from food pantries near you.
Distribution centers can include churches, non-profit organizations, community action agencies, and many other local charities as well as non-profits.
Salvation Army Food Pantry
The Salvation Army is dedicated to eliminating food insecurity.
The Salvation Army operates free local food banks around San Bernardino, California from almost all of their local social service centers. The charity organization is involved in feeding millions of families each year, with a large percentage of those assisted being children as well as the elderly.
We have located 9 Salvation Army Food Pantry locations in San Bernardino, California which provides a wide array of services. We have partnered so you can also check your eligibility.
The Salvation Army - SAN BERNARDINO, CA: Corps Community Center
Services provided :
- Aid to Families
- Casework Services
- Character Building Programs
- Christian Education
- Clinics Services
- Community Recreation & Education Programs
- Disaster Services
- Emergency Shelter
- Food & Nutrition Programs
- Group Homes
- Group Work Services
- Homemaker Services
- Men's Ministries
- Military Personnel Assistance
- Missing Persons
- Music & Arts Programs
- Residential Camping Activities
- Seasonal Services
- Senior Citizens Residences
- Transitional Care & Work Release
- Transitional Housing
- Visitation Services
- Women's Ministries
- Worship Services - Children's / Teen
- Worship Services - Church
- Worship Services - Sunday School
- Worship Services - Young Adult
- Worship Services - Youth Ministries
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (909) 888-1336 to book your appointment.
Address :
2626 Pacific St,
Highland, CA 92346.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
The Salvation Army - SAN BERNARDINO, CA: Adult Rehabilitation Center
Services provided :
- Adult Rehabilitation Center
- Rehabilitation
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (909) 889-9605 to book your appointment.
Address :
363 Doolittle Rd,
San Bernardino, CA 92408.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
Salvation Army Family Store
Services provided :
- Salvation Army Family Store
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (760) 245-5745 to book your appointment.
Address :
14716 7th St,
Victorville, CA 92395.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
Salvation Army Family Store
Services provided :
- Salvation Army Family Store
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (909) 864-8847 to book your appointment.
Address :
2084 E Highland Ave,
San Bernardino, CA 92404.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
Salvation Army Family Store
Services provided :
- Salvation Army Family Store
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (909) 793-2885 to book your appointment.
Address :
801 W Colton Ave, REDLANDS,
Redlands, CA 92374.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
Salvation Army of Ontario
The Salvation Army of Ontario's food pantry serves everyone from low income families, single parents, senior citizens, unemployed individuals, disabled veterans, working poor, and anyone else that comes to the pantry.
Services provided to our community include:
- Food to meet basic nutritional needs
Please call the Ontario Corps Community Center to find out more about the availability of our food pantry.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (909) 986-6748 to book your appointment.
Address :
Los Angeles, CA 90291.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 12:00 PM - 08:00 PM EST
- Tues: 12:00 PM - 08:00 PM EST
- Wed: 12:00 PM - 08:00 PM EST
- Thurs: 12:00 PM - 08:00 PM EST
- Fri: 12:00 PM - 08:00 PM EST
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
Salvation Army Victor Valley Corps
The Victor Valley Corps food pantry provides free food to feed families and individuals in need. We supply groceries for residents that do not have enough food because they lack the resources to purchase it. We serve everyone that comes to the pantry for food assistance. We serve everyone regardless of their race, color, or religion. The amount of food given depends on household size.
Please contact us for any information on eligibility requirements.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (760) 245-2545 to book your appointment.
Address :
14585 La Paz Dr,
Victorville, CA 92395.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 09:00 AM - 11:45 AM
- Tues: 09:00 AM - 11:45 AM
- Wed: 09:00 AM - 11:45 AM
- Thurs: 09:00 AM - 11:45 AM
- Fri: Closed
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
Salvation Army Victor Valley Corps
Corps Community Center in Redlands offers social service programs to working families that meet the federal poverty guidelines or for others facing hardships.
Services Offered:
- Casework Services
- Character Building Programs
- Clinic Services
- Disaster Services
- Emergency Financial Assistance
- Emergency Shelter
- Food & Nutrition
- Food & Nutrition Programs
Please contact us for more information on our services.
Services provided :
- disaster response
- temporary shelter
- food pantry
- nutrition education
- primary care
- financial assistance
- navigating the system
- one-on-one support
- spiritual support
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (909) 792-8818 to book your appointment.
Address :
838 Alta St,
Redlands, CA 92374.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Tues: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Wed: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Thurs: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Fri: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
Salvation Army Victor Valley Corps
Victor Valley, CA- Corps Community Center provides aid to families, disaster services, emergency financial assistance, emergency shelter, food & nutrition programs, seasonal services, casework services, maternity services, emergency shelter, visitation services, worship services - children's / teen, worship services – church, Christian education, men's ministries, music & arts programs, worship services - Sunday school, women's ministries, worship services - young adult, worship services - youth ministries, character building programs and residential camping activities. For more information call us on 760-245-2545 .
Services provided :
- disaster response
- temporary shelter
- food pantry
- health education
- maternity care
- financial assistance
- navigating the system
- residential care
- support network
- home visiting
- mentoring
- one-on-one support
- spiritual support
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (760) 245-2545 to book your appointment.
Address :
14585 La Paz Dr,
Victorville, CA 92395.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Tues: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Wed: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Thurs: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
Church Food Pantry
A number of churches around San Bernardino, California have food pantries for those in their neighborhoods who are in need of food items.
Churches operate with food donations gathered and deliver to the food pantry nearest you by individuals using food drives.
Some churches also deliver food items to elderly who are unable to drive to a nearest community food pantry. Please contact your local church directly.
We have located 15 Church Food Pantry locations in San Bernardino, California which provides a wide array of services. We have partnered so you can also check your eligibility.
Holman United Methodist Church
Holman United Methodist Church provides groceries and food for people in need. We supply groceries for residents that do not have enough food because they lack the resources to purchase it. We serve everyone that comes to the pantry for food assistance, regardless of their race, color, or religion. The amount of food given depends on household size.
Please contact the pantry for assistance or information regarding eligibility requirements or what to bring to a pantry visit.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call to book your appointment.
Address :
3320 W Adams Blvd,
Los Angeles, CA 90018.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: Closed
- Tues: Closed
- Wed: 01:00 PM - 03:00 PM
- Thurs: Closed
- Fri: 01:00 PM - 03:00 PM
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Los Angeles
- Orange
- Riverside
- San Bernardino
- Ventura
St. Mark Missionary Baptist Church
The Food Ministry at St. Mark Missionary Baptist Church provides food to neighbors, friends and families who are experiencing hunger. We supply groceries for residents that do not have enough food because they lack the resources to purchase it. We serve everyone that comes to the pantry for food assistance. We serve everyone regardless of their race, color, or religion. The amount of food given depends on household size.
For more information on the Food Ministry, please contact our offices.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (323) 231-1040 to book your appointment.
Address :
5017 Compton Ave,
Los Angeles, CA 90011.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Tues: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Wed: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Thurs: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Los Angeles
- Orange
- San Bernardino
- Riverside
- Ventura
Grant African Methodist Episcopal Church
The Food Ministry Program distributes food bags to needy people every Thursday morning. We supply groceries for residents that do not have enough food because they lack the resources to purchase it. We serve everyone that comes to the pantry for food assistance, regardless of their race, color, or religion.
To schedule a pick up or for more information, contact the church office.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (323) 564-1151 to book your appointment.
Address :
10435 S Central Ave,
Los Angeles, CA 90002.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: Closed
- Tues: Closed
- Wed: Closed
- Thurs: 07:00 AM - 08:00 AM
- Fri: Closed
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Los Angeles
- Orange
- Riverside
- San Bernardino
- Ventura
Del Rey Church (DRC)
The Del Rey Church (DRC) Food Pantry serves the poor who come to our campus for help. We run a modest food pantry to feed the hungry during the week, as well as to help people who have fallen on hard times in our community with needed groceries.
For more information on pantry distribution hours, please contact our office.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (310) 823-4275 to book your appointment.
Address :
8505 Saran Dr,
Playa Del Rey, CA 90293.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Tues: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Wed: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Thurs: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Los Angeles
- Orange
- Riverside
- San Bernardino
- Ventura
Upland Church of Christ
We at the Upland Church of Christ care about the physical needs of our neighbors. Currently, about 95 families/individuals receive food twice a month during the hours of operation.
This is a labor of love on the part of many of our members. While much of the canned goods are donated by the community through the annual Post Office Food Drive, our members also donate canned goods through out the year and also supply funds for purchasing the fresh bread and eggs included with the bags of food given out. Without the time that some of our members commit to this program to purchase and bag up food, this program would not be possible.
Food is available on the second and fourth Monday of the month from 10 am until 11 am. Due to holidays, this schedule may be adjusted. Dates of operation are listed on the web site calendar. Food is passed out on a first come, first serve basis. Numbers are handed out as recipients arrive so that they don't have to wait in line. Clothing is also available.
Anyone in the Upland and surrounding communities is eligible to participate. To receive food, participants are required to show ID and proof of address by showing something that came in the mail e.g. utility bill. After the initial sign up, recipients need only show something that came in the mail whenever they pick up food. Exceptions are made for the homeless; only an ID is needed.
Visit us at our location to get services.
Services provided :
- food pantry
- clothing
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (909) 982-1676 to book your appointment.
Address :
331 W 9th St,
Upland, CA 91786.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Tues: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Wed: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Thurs: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
The Church For Whosoever
Food ministry provides a free bag of food every month after 10:45 AM service.
We also provides free bag of food every Tuesday-Wednesday and Thursday at the church office. Call the church office first to make sure we are stocked.
Please note: All of our ministries break for the month of December.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (760) 242-3191 to book your appointment.
Address :
18628 Seneca Rd,
Apple Valley, CA 92307.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: Closed
- Tues: 01:00 PM - 06:00 PM EST
- Wed: 01:00 PM - 06:00 PM EST
- Thurs: 01:00 PM - 06:00 PM EST
- Fri: Closed
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
The Rock Church & World Outreach Center
Food Distribution program's mission is to love people to life and help reduce hunger by supplementing the diets of those who are in need. There is no cost for this outreach.
Documents required to receive food include a photo ID. You will need to bring a box/bag for food, and individuals/families can come once a week up to 4 times a month.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (909) 825-8887 to book your appointment.
Address :
2345 S Waterman Ave,
San Bernardino, CA 92408.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: Closed
- Tues: 11:00 AM - 01:00 PM EST
- Wed: Closed
- Thurs: 11:00 AM - 01:00 PM EST
- Fri: Closed
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Cities:
- San Bernardino
Spirit Filled family Church
Food Distribution program gives out free food on a weekly basis. Bags of Blessings are given out every Saturday at 9:00 am. Bags are not reserved they are handed out on a first come first serve basis.
Please bring the following:
A Utility Bill
Emergency Food Box:
Please call our Assistance Hotline if you have a severe need during the week at 760-494-4322.
Services provided :
- emergency food
- food pantry
- help hotlines
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (760) 956-2501 to book your appointment.
Address :
Los Angeles, CA 90291.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 10:00 AM - 03:00 PM
- Tues: 10:00 AM - 03:00 PM
- Wed: 10:00 AM - 03:00 PM
- Thurs: 10:00 AM - 03:00 PM
- Fri: Closed
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
Loveland Church
Loveland’s Jubilee Pantry's mission is to reduce hunger by feeding the homeless, elderly, and those who otherwise would go without meals.
Services provided to our community include:
- Food to meet basic nutritional needs
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (909) 356-5683 to book your appointment.
Address :
17977 Merrill Ave,
Fontana, CA 92335.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Tues: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Wed: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Thurs: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Fri: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Cities:
- Fontana
First Presbyterian Church of San Bernardino
Our food pantry serves everyone from low income families, single parents, senior citizens, unemployed individuals, disabled veterans, working poor, and anyone else that comes to the pantry.
Services provided to our community include:
- Food to meet basic nutritional needs
In addition to our monthly distributions, we also distribute emergency bags of food to people who come by the church office during the week – limit one bag per household per month.
Services provided :
- emergency food
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (909) 882-3308 to book your appointment.
Address :
1900 N D St,
San Bernardino, CA 92405.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: Closed
- Tues: Closed
- Wed: Closed
- Thurs: Closed
- Fri: Closed
- Sat: 12:00 PM - 02:00 PM EST
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Cities:
- San Bernardino
St. John's Episcopal Church
Vicar's Pantry provides free food to feed families and individuals in need. We supply groceries for residents that do not have enough food because they lack the resources to purchase it. We serve everyone from low income families, single parents, senior citizens, unemployed individuals, disabled veterans, working poor, and anyone else that comes to the pantry for food assistance. We serve everyone regardless of their race, color, or religion. The amount of food given depends on household size.
The food pantry is available on Wednesday mornings excluding the 2nd Wednesday of each month.
Documents Required:
- Photo ID
- Piece of Mail (with your name on it)
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (909) 889-1195 to book your appointment.
Address :
1407 N Arrowhead Ave,
San Bernardino, CA 92405.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: Closed
- Tues: Closed
- Wed: 12:00 PM - 02:00 PM EST
- Thurs: Closed
- Fri: Closed
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Cities:
- San Bernardino
St Margaret's Episcopal Church
Neighbors 4 Neighbors reaches out to children, adults, and seniors in our community assisting them with the basic necessities of food, clothing and referrals to other area service providers.
Services provided :
- food pantry
- clothing
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (760) 346-2697ext102 to book your appointment.
Address :
47535 California State Route 74,
Palm Desert, CA 92260.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Tues: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Wed: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Thurs: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Fri: Closed
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Riverside
- San Bernardino
San Bernardino Community Church
Every third Saturday of the month SBCC gives away grocery bags of food for those in the community who need assistance.
This program provides:
- Grocery bags of food
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (909) 864-9221 to book your appointment.
Address :
2372 E Lynwood Dr,
San Bernardino, CA 92404.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: Closed
- Tues: Closed
- Wed: Closed
- Thurs: Closed
- Fri: Closed
- Sat: 11:30 AM - 01:30 PM EST
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Cities:
- San Bernardino
Neighborhood Vineyard Church - Food Pantry
The Neighborhood Food Pantry assists families in our community by providing food once a month. We believe this practice of helping others is directly in line with the Purpose and Values of the Neighborhood Vineyard Church. We hold the pantry from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm on the third Sunday of each month and provide food for anyone in need. The Food Pantry takes place at the Neighborhood Vineyard Church office: 8351 Rochester Ave., Suite 101, Rancho Cucamonga
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (909) 646-8860 to book your appointment.
Address :
8351 Rochester Ave Ste 101,
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Cities:
- Rancho Cucamonga
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
The Lord's Table - St. Joan of Arc Church
The Lord's Table has been serving the homeless, and families who are in need, for the past seven years. A typical day consists of men, women, young and old, who all have the face of our Lord Jesus Christ, and all share in the blessings and graces of "His Table." Approximately 120 plates daily, a total of 12,927 in 3 months, were served. God's people are served hot meals, Monday through Friday between 11:00 AM and Noon.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (760) 241-2043 to book your appointment.
Address :
15512 Sixth St,
Victorville, CA 92392.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Cities:
- Victorville
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
Catholic Charities Food Pantry
Resources provided by the Catholic Charity organization focus on addressing food, holiday, and immigration needs.
Families of all religions, backgrounds, and cultures can contact Catholic Charity centers for help.
Catholic Charities in San Bernardino, California are open to families on a first-come, first-serve basis. The centers operate during normal business hours, and provide walk-ins with groceries, food boxes, and items to prepare a meal.
The food pantries are like grocery stores, allow clients the ability to choose the items they need from the groceries that are available on site.
First-time clients of the food pantry will need to apply, and this is done from a one-page application. An applicant will need to provide basic household member as well as demographic information.
We have located 0 Catholic Charities Food Pantry locations in San Bernardino, California which provides a wide array of services. We have partnered so you can also check your eligibility.
Helping Hands Food Pantry
Helping Hands is a faith-based 501(c)(3) food pantry operated around San Bernardino, California almost entirely by volunteers.
It provides a 7-day supply of groceries and personal care items free of charge to people in need, regardless of their religious beliefs.
Helping Hands is supported entirely by donations from individuals, service organizations, churches, and businesses in our community.
Find a local helping hands food pantry open near you.
We have located 3 Helping Hand Food Pantry locations in San Bernardino, California which provides a wide array of services. We have partnered so you can also check your eligibility.
Helping Hands Senior Foundation
Helping Hands is a local non profit organization based in the San Fernando Valley that can help seniors and their loved ones connect to great programs in the community. We offer a free care planning service to seniors of any income, insurance and/ or health condition. We specialize in working with low income seniors to help them stretch their budget and lower their cost of living. Our goal is to help improve their quality of life!
Please contact us for assistance.
Services provided :
- food pantry
- help pay for food
- help find housing
- housing advice
- clothing
- medical supplies
- financial education
- navigating the system
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (818) 279-6580ext to book your appointment.
Address :
Los Angeles, CA 90291.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM PST
- Tues: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM PST
- Wed: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM PST
- Thurs: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM PST
- Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM PST
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Los Angeles
- Orange
- Riverside
- San Bernardino
- Ventura
Helping Hands Pantry
The College Student Food Assistance Program is for college and university students (undergrad or graduate) who do not have enough food.
Services provided to students:
- A weekly delivered bag of food
- When available, toiletries, feminine hygiene products, infant products and pet food if needed
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call to book your appointment.
Address :
[1169 - 1199] E 3rd St,
San Bernardino, CA 92410.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: Closed
- Tues: Closed
- Wed: Closed
- Thurs: Closed
- Fri: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
Helping Hands Pantry
Our Pantry is open to all who are in need. Once a week individuals can pick up a couple bags of groceries for as long as they need the assistance.
What we provide:
- Groceries for you and your family
On the first visit you will need to fill out a questionnaire and sign a release. There will be a visit to your home sometime after that, but you will be able to receive food that day.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (909) 796-4222 to book your appointment.
Address :
[2001 - 2227] E 3rd St,
San Bernardino, CA 92408.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 08:00 AM - 10:00 AM
- Tues: 08:00 AM - 10:00 AM
- Wed: 08:00 AM - 10:00 AM
- Thurs: 08:00 AM - 10:00 AM
- Fri: 08:00 AM - 10:00 AM
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: 08:00 AM - 10:00 AM T:
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
Mobile Food Pantry
The mobile food pantry program distributes food directly to families in communities around San Bernardino, California in need during large-scale one-day distributions.
A typical mobile pantry serves 200-250 families distributing up to 10,000 pounds of food. This past year over 6.6 million pounds were distributed through this program.
Mobile food pantries usually visit churches, community centers, schools, shopping centers, and other convenient locations. They usually go to areas where there aren't grocery stores or other food pantries.
Mobile Food Pantry Schedule 2025
Unlike traditional food pantries where you go to them, mobile pantry trucks come to you. Food banks sometimes have an online mobile food pantry schedule.
Mobile food pantry scheduled to visit a community once a week or once a month. There may be last-minute cancellations or changes so recheck the mobile food pantry schedule before you plan to go.
We have located 1 Mobile Food Pantry locations in San Bernardino, Model.Content.StateName which provides a wide array of services. We have partnered so you can also check your eligibility.
Family Service Association
A grocery store on wheels! In an effort to promote healthy eating habits and ease of access to quality produce. The program combines the convenience of a corner store with the selection and freshness of a Farmer’s Market. Mobile Fresh targets “food deserts”, geographic areas where supermarkets are few and far between. This is great news to seniors with limited mobility and those with low-incomes as produce and dry goods are sold for prices 20 to 30 percent less than markets.
For inquiries regarding general questions and routes, please contact us.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (951) 300-0456ext to book your appointment.
Address :
Los Angeles, CA 90291.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Tues: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Wed: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Thurs: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Fri: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Riverside
- San Bernardino
St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry
The St. Vincent de Paul food pantry operates around San Bernardino, California much like a grocery store where people in need can choose their own food. It helps to enhance their personal dignity and reduces waste due to unwanted food items.
It also helps them to be proactive in addressing any underlying health issues. This is our model of choice for food pantries in the future.
We have located 0 St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry locations in San Bernardino, California which provides a wide array of services. We have partnered so you can also check your eligibility.
Food Pantry Delivery Program
Food Pantry Delivery Program delivers food and other products once a month at twenty points in around San Bernardino, California area. This makes it just a bit easier for some of more remote rural agencies to receive their products. About 70% of members take advantage of the Food Pantry Delivery Program.
Food Pantry
We have located 46 Food Pantry locations in San Bernardino, California which provides a wide array of services. We have partnered so you can also check your eligibility.
The Dream Center
Food Truck Program provides bags of groceries for children and families who are prone to homelessness. Many of the people we help tell us that the simple gift of a bag of groceries was just enough to get them through the month. Or they saved just enough on their grocery bill that they were able to pay their rent or keep the lights on. In this way, we not only address the issue of hunger, but also help keep fragile families from sliding into homelessness.
Please contact us for more information on this program.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (213) 273-7000 to book your appointment.
Address :
Los Angeles, CA 90291.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Tues: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Wed: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Thurs: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Los Angeles
- Orange
- Riverside
- San Bernardino
- Ventura
California Outreach Organization, Inc.
California Outreach Organization, Inc. seeks to eliminate hunger in Orange County, Greater Los Angeles, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. We provide basic food and proper nutrition to low income families with children and to senior citizens. No one especially children and seniors should go hungry - even for a single day - on our watch in our community.
Food is distributed every Thursday from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Our Lady of the Valley Catholic Church. Please bring your own bags or boxes.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (714) 927-7258 to book your appointment.
Address :
780 S State St,
Hemet, CA 92543.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: Closed
- Tues: Closed
- Wed: Closed
- Thurs: 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM
- Fri: Closed
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Los Angeles
- Orange
- Riverside
- San Bernardino
Inland Valley Hope Partners
The Food Security program provides food in Pomona, South Pmona, Ontario, Claremont, Chino, Upland and San Dimas areas.
This program provides:
- Food
Clients are provided with a 4-5 day supply of food every 30 days (homeless every two weeks). Families may also receive fresh produce through our partnership with Amy’s Farm (a working farm that donates a sizeable share of its harvest to our program) when available. Other services offered include: rental assistance, information & referrals, and shared employment opportunities.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (909) 599-1103 to book your appointment.
Address :
110 E 3rd St,
San Dimas, CA 91773.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM PST
- Tues: Closed
- Wed: 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM PST
- Thurs: Closed
- Fri: 02:00 AM - 04:00 AM PST
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Los Angeles
- Orange
- Riverside
- San Bernardino
Foothill Unity Center, Inc.
Bag Lunch Program distributes substantial bag lunches three times a week, providing enough food to last for about two days. These lunches, made up of sandwiches, instant soups, snack foods, fresh fruit, drinks, flip-top canned foods, canned meats and sweets, are given to people and families who are homeless or have no place to store or cook food. We also provide toiletry items weekly as available to help with hygiene needs.
For more information please call us at (626) 358-3486.
Services provided :
- food pantry
- personal care items
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (626) 358-3486 to book your appointment.
Address :
191 N Oak Ave,
Pasadena, CA 91107.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Tues: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Wed: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Thurs: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Los Angeles
- Orange
- Riverside
- San Bernardino
- Ventura
Stay Free Ministries Outreach
Food and Clothing Giveaways offers food and clothing to people in our community who are in need. We hold our food and clothing giveaways in partnership with New Salvation Ministries at Union Rescue Mission on Skid Row.
Our food giveaways are held in the parking lot of Union Rescue Mission on the 2nd Saturday of each month.
Services provided :
- food pantry
- clothing
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call to book your appointment.
Address :
545 S San Pedro St,
Los Angeles, CA 90013.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: Closed
- Tues: Closed
- Wed: Closed
- Thurs: Closed
- Fri: Closed
- Sat: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Los Angeles
- Orange
- Riverside
- San Bernardino
- Ventura
Hope Again
Hope Again works to end homelessness by providing food and hygiene items to those in need on the streets as well as running a bridge housing program for residents. We provide assistance with job and housing searching, weekly counseling with a licensed therapist, resume development and seek to give dignity to those who are trapped in poverty, crime, and substance abuse.
At this time, we are not conducting any intakes. For more information please contact our offices.
Services provided :
- food pantry
- help find housing
- housing advice
- short-term housing
- personal hygiene
- counseling
- navigating the system
- resume development
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (323) 661-4004 to book your appointment.
Address :
1515 Winona Blvd,
Los Angeles, CA 90027.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 09:00 AM - 02:00 PM
- Tues: 09:00 AM - 02:00 PM
- Wed: 09:00 AM - 02:00 PM
- Thurs: 09:00 AM - 02:00 PM
- Fri: Closed
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Los Angeles
- Orange
- Riverside
- San Bernardino
- Ventura
SSS Good Samaritan
Our food bank is designed assist or supplement food reserves for families that are barely meeting their basic needs. Most of what we offer is canned food. When available, we also give away toys, household essentials, used clothing, and other home items.
We give food on a first come first serve basis to those who come on time, every 4th Saturday monthly at Calvary Hall.
Services provided :
- food pantry
- clothing
- home goods
- toys & gifts
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (562) 619-0467 to book your appointment.
Address :
5035 Hedda St,
Lakewood, CA 90712.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: Closed
- Tues: Closed
- Wed: Closed
- Thurs: Closed
- Fri: Closed
- Sat: 08:30 AM - 10:00 AM
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Los Angeles
- Orange
- Riverside
- San Bernardino
- Ventura
His Way Spirit Led Assemblies
This program seeks the Lord to provide for and meet the needs of the people within the community. Food Ministry program provides groceries to the people in need.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (909) 421-2585 to book your appointment.
Address :
142 E Base Line Rd,
Rialto, CA 92376.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Tues: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Wed: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Thurs: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
City of San Bernardino Parks, Recreation and Community Services
The facility includes a multi-purpose room with areas specifically designed for senior citizens and recreation activities.
Programs Offered:
Computer Lab
Adaptive Recreation
Arts & Crafts
Homework Help
Nutrition Education
Youth Empowerment
Youth Sports
Martial Arts
Basketball - Adult
Westside Steppers
Programs subject to change without notification. Please contact center for additional registration information.
Food Distribution:
Food Distribution is for residents living in the zip code areas of 92401, 92408, 92409 and 92410 East of Sierra Way. Proof of residency and income required. Distribution is the 3rd Tuesday of every month, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm.
Services provided :
- food pantry
- exercise & fitness
- recreation
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (909) 384-5420 to book your appointment.
Address :
222 N Lugo Ave,
San Bernardino, CA 92408.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 11:00 AM - 06:00 PM
- Tues: 11:00 AM - 06:00 PM
- Wed: 11:00 AM - 06:00 PM
- Thurs: 11:00 AM - 06:00 PM
- Fri: 11:00 AM - 06:00 PM
- Sat: 11:00 AM - 04:00 PM
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
Operation Provider
Operation Provider provides food, clothing, utility assistance, referrals, emergency assistance, and holiday meals to families in need.
Documents Required: If you are a new client, please bring your photo ID and paperwork relating to income when you arrive to fill out new client paperwork.
Services provided :
- help pay for utilities
- food pantry
- clothing
- navigating the system
- disaster response
- toys & gifts
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (909) 337-8585 to book your appointment.
Address :
26525 Pine Ave,
Rimforest, CA 92378.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: Closed
- Tues: 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM EST
- Wed: Closed
- Thurs: 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM EST
- Fri: Closed
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
Cathedral Of Praise Ministries
Helping hands program provides clothing and consumables to those experiencing temporary hardships at 8:00 a.m. on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month.
You can reach us via email or by calling 909-474-1005.
Services provided :
- food pantry
- clothing
- home goods
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (909) 474-1005 to book your appointment.
Address :
3030 Del Rosa Ave,
San Bernardino, CA 92404.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Tues: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Wed: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Thurs: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
Sahaba Initiative
Our food pantry is committed to assisting families and individuals who are suffering from hunger. Our goal is to provide basic foods for those that are in need and complementary nutritional mentoring and programming which will empower an individual.
Empowering includes learning how to grow your own garden. It also consists of understanding basic life skills such as cooking. We also provide application assistance for CalFresh formerly known as EBT.
Services provided :
- food pantry
- understand government programs
- help fill out forms
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (909) 381-3002 to book your appointment.
Address :
1887 S Business Center Dr,
San Bernardino, CA 92408.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: Closed
- Tues: Closed
- Wed: Closed
- Thurs: Closed
- Fri: Closed
- Sat: 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Cities:
- San Bernardino
Mgj Outreach
Mgj Outreach provides food, clothes, tutoring for the youth, jobs and transitional housing for the homeless. M G & J Outreach has assisted in Food Distributions, Clothing Distributions and School Supply Distributions. Visit our website for more information.
For more information about this program please call at (909) 205-0553.
Services provided :
- emergency food
- food delivery
- food pantry
- safe housing
- short-term housing
- clothing
- tutoring
- help find work
- job placement
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (909) 205-0553 to book your appointment.
Address :
985 Kendall Dr, STE A-287,
San Bernardino, CA 92407.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Tues: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Wed: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Thurs: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
Water Of Life Community Outreach
The CityLink Food Warehouse offers food to guests in the community every Tuesday and Thursday throughout the year. Servant leaders who are involved in this ministry support guests by providing them with practical help and spiritual guidance through prayer, conversation, and God's Word.
Distribution Days - Tuesdays & Thursdays:
- Individuals with Disabilities: 2:00p – 6:00p
- Homeless Individuals: 2:00p – 6:00p
- General Public: 3:00p – 6:00p
Those who wish to receive food from the Food Warehouse must register to do so. The Food Warehouse gives away ONE (1) box of food per week per family. First time guests must fill out a Food Application Form and bring with them the following documents required:
- Picture ID
- Proof of Address (utility bill, rental agreement)
- Disabled guests must bring proof of disability (DMV, SSI printout, or ID)
Please note, the Food Warehouse does NOT provide boxes/bags for guests. Guests must bring their own.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (909) 803-1059 to book your appointment.
Address :
8440 Nuevo Ave,
Fontana, CA 92335.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: Closed
- Tues: 04:00 PM - 09:00 PM EST
- Wed: Closed
- Thurs: 04:00 PM - 09:00 PM EST
- Fri: Closed
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
First Assembly of God - Hesperia Campus
Our food pantry provides free food to feed families and individuals in need. We supply groceries for residents that do not have enough food because they lack the resources to purchase it. It is our goal to serve those in need as soon as possible but this is a “first come first served” pantry. With that being said, please arrive prior to distribution times because there will be a line. Also consider bringing water on hot days. Families are entitled to one food distribution per household per service day as well as with the guidelines below.
Services provided :
- emergency food
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (760) 244-3330 to book your appointment.
Address :
11616 Hesperia Rd,
Hesperia, CA 92345.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: Closed
- Tues: Closed
- Wed: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
- Thurs: Closed
- Fri: Closed
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
San Bernardino City Mission
A Bag of Hope is a food program offered on Saturdays with an approved application. No two bags have the same food items; however, each
bag has between seven and ten meal items. You may trade with a neighbor after you receive your bag, but there is not a choice of which Bag of Hope you receive. We are at the discretion of those donating to us as to what the bags are filled with. With an approved application, you may be eligible for a free Bag of Hope, on the assigned distribution day one bag, per week, per family.
Bags of Hope are available the first three weeks of each month.
Go to our website to see the location and time of each site and to apply.
Services provided :
- food pantry
- meals
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (909) 649-0011 to book your appointment.
Address :
26200 Date St,
Highland, CA 92346.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Tues: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Wed: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Thurs: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Fri: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
Water Of Life Community Outreach - Citylink
The GIVE is a monthly event that is held the first Saturday of every month. The ministry partners with the Mobile Medical Unit to offer free medical services to guests and their children. Guests are also served a hot lunch, given groceries and more. Adults are able to receive prayer in the Prayer Booth and children may participate in special activities in the KidZone area.
The GIVE provides:
- primary medical care (by appointment only)
- lunch & grocery giveaways
- activities for children (Kid's Fun Time)
Kid’s Fun Time begins at 10:30a. Everything is free!
Services provided :
- food pantry
- meals
- primary care
- recreation
- spiritual support
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (909) 803-1059ext2205 to book your appointment.
Address :
16803 Spring St,
Fontana, CA 92335.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: Closed
- Tues: Closed
- Wed: Closed
- Thurs: Closed
- Fri: Closed
- Sat: 12:00 PM - 04:00 PM EST
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
Food for Life Ministries
The Value Box Program provides assistance to those who need a little help every once and a while. A value box is a large box overflowing with a variety of fresh, frozen and canned foods. These boxes are available for a cash donation of $25.00 on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon, and Saturday mornings at our warehouse.
Documents Required:
- Photo ID
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (909) 627-3663 to book your appointment.
Address :
4712 Cheyenne Way,
Chino, CA 91710.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: Closed
- Tues: Closed
- Wed: Closed
- Thurs: Closed
- Fri: Closed
- Sat: 12:00 PM - 02:30 PM EST
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
Desert Manna
Our food pantry provides free food to feed families and individuals in need. We supply groceries for residents that do not have enough food because they lack the resources to purchase it. We serve everyone from low income families, single parents, senior citizens, unemployed individuals, disabled veterans, working poor, and anyone else that comes to the pantry for food assistance. We serve everyone regardless of their race, color, or religion. The amount of food given depends on household size.
You are allowed to receive emergency food every 45 days.
Please bring ID with you when you visit.
Services provided :
- emergency food
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (760) 256-7797 to book your appointment.
Address :
209 N 1st Ave,
Barstow, CA 92311.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: Closed
- Tues: Closed
- Wed: Closed
- Thurs: Closed
- Fri: Closed
- Sat: 12:00 PM - 03:30 PM EST
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
Samaritan Social Services Incorporation
Samaritan Social Services is here to feed the spirit of the hungry and shelter the souls of the misunderstood by providing food and educational programs to individuals that need to restore their hope, respect, and belief in themselves and humanity.
Every Thursday from 3-5pm the food ministry is open.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call to book your appointment.
Address :
2219 W 3rd Ave,
San Bernardino, CA 92407.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: Closed
- Tues: Closed
- Wed: Closed
- Thurs: 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM
- Fri: Closed
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
Benjamin Jones Community Resource Center
Benjamin Jones Community Resource Center Bag of Hope food pantry services families and individuals in need.
Bag of Hope provides:
-Non-perishable goods weekly
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (909) 289-1227 to book your appointment.
Address :
2972 N California St,
San Bernardino, CA 92407.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: Closed
- Tues: 02:30 PM - 03:30 PM EST
- Wed: Closed
- Thurs: Closed
- Fri: Closed
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Cities:
- San Bernardino
Spirit of Hope
Our goal as a Spirt of Hope outreach program is to help families get through the last week of the month until their next checks come in. We not only provide food staples, but also clothes as well. No documents are required. Center will ask you to fill out a short questionnaire.
Food Pantry distribution is the last Tuesday of every month from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.
Services provided :
- food pantry
- clothing
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (909) 882-2961 to book your appointment.
Address :
1820 E Highland Ave,
San Bernardino, CA 92404.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Tues: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Wed: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Thurs: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Fri: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Cities:
- San Bernardino
High Desert Outreach Center
High Desert Outreach Center promotes stronger communities by providing food distribution programs, healthier lifestyle training, and assisting residents with locating government and non-government services and resources.
Our weekly food distribution is on Fridays starting at 8:30 a.m. Bring your own bags or box. Our food program is open to any families in the High Desert in need of food assistance.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (760) 246-7874 to book your appointment.
Address :
17537 Montezuma St,
Adelanto, CA 92301.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Tues: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Wed: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Thurs: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Riverside
- San Bernardino
The Way World Outreach - Downtown Campus
Our food Giveaway addresses the needs of low-income individuals and households that lack a reliable access to affordable, nutritious food and may experience hunger on a regular basis.
We support residents by providing:
- Nutritious foods
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (909) 884-1385 to book your appointment.
Address :
1001 N Arrowhead Ave,
San Bernardino, CA 92410.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: Closed
- Tues: Closed
- Wed: 02:30 PM - 03:30 PM EST
- Thurs: Closed
- Fri: Closed
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Cities:
- San Bernardino
San Bernardino County Special Districts Department Recreation and Parks District - Joshua Tree
Our Food Distribution serves everyone from low income families, single parents, senior citizens, unemployed individuals, disabled veterans, working poor, and anyone else that comes to the pantry.
Services provided to our community include:
- Food to meet basic nutritional needs
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (760) 366-8415 to book your appointment.
Address :
6171 Sunburst St,
Joshua Tree, CA 92252.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 12:00 PM - 02:00 PM EST
- Tues: Closed
- Wed: Closed
- Thurs: Closed
- Fri: Closed
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
Central City Lutheran Mission (CCLM)
The Central City Lutheran Mission (CCLM) offers free bags of groceries to people in need. Working families, single moms, singles, unemployed, people stretching their limited earnings or benefit dollars come to get canned goods, bread and whatever variety of produce is available.
Groceries are distributed on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (909) 381-6921 to book your appointment.
Address :
1354 N G St,
San Bernardino, CA 92405.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: Closed
- Tues: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST
- Wed: Closed
- Thurs: Closed
- Fri: Closed
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
Set Free Christian Fellowship
The Set Free Christian Fellowship food pantry provides free food to feed families and individuals in need. We supply groceries for residents that do not have enough food because they lack the resources to purchase it. We serve everyone that comes to us, regardless of their race, color, or religion. The amount of food given depends on household size. We give away food bags three times a week and commodities once a month.
This program provides:
- Food
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (909) 383-2323 to book your appointment.
Address :
473 W Base Line St,
San Bernardino, CA 92410.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: Closed
- Tues: Closed
- Wed: 09:30 PM - 10:30 PM EST
- Thurs: Closed
- Fri: 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM EST
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Cities:
- San Bernardino
The Cathedral Center
At the Cathedral City Senior Center we are committed to providing our Food Pantry to the low-income senior residents of the Tierra del Sol complex in Cathedral City and our neighboring community. Supplemental grocery items are provided to those who may be on fixed incomes, the unemployed and working poor experiencing a crisis. Emphasis is placed on treating everyone with dignity and respect.
Becuase of high-demand and limited resources, The Cathedral City Senior Center is only taking on new Food Bank Clients who meet age and income requirements with corresponding documentation. Please call The Center @ 760-321-1548 for more information.
Only open 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (760) 321-1548 to book your appointment.
Address :
37101 W Buddy Rogers Ave,
Cathedral City, CA 92234.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 08:00 AM - 11:00 AM
- Tues: Closed
- Wed: Closed
- Thurs: Closed
- Fri: Closed
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Riverside
- San Bernardino
First Assembly of God - Victorville Campus
Our food pantry provides free food to feed families and individuals in need. We supply groceries for residents that do not have enough food because they lack the resources to purchase it. It is our goal to serve those in need as soon as possible but this is a “first come first served” pantry. With that being said, please arrive prior to distribution times because there will be a line. Also consider bringing water on hot days. Families are entitled to one food distribution per household per service day as well as with the guidelines below.
Services provided :
- emergency food
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (760) 243-4343 to book your appointment.
Address :
15260 Nisqualli Rd,
Victorville, CA 92395.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
- Tues: Closed
- Wed: Closed
- Thurs: Closed
- Fri: Closed
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
Vida Life Ministries
Our Free Groceries Program provides free groceries for low-income families. We supply groceries for residents that do not have enough food because they lack the resources to purchase it.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (323) 823-4762 to book your appointment.
Address :
11608 Cedar Ave,
Bloomington, CA 92316.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: Closed
- Tues: Closed
- Wed: Closed
- Thurs: Closed
- Fri: Closed
- Sat: 11:00 AM - 02:00 PM EST
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Riverside
- San Bernardino
Orange County Rescue Mission - Corona Norco Rescue Mission
The Corona Norco Rescue Mission serves as a collaborative resource to give hope to the women and children who need it most in the Inland Empire.
The Corona Norco Rescue Mission provides a full offering of care and support that includes:
- healthcare
- food
- clothing
- shelter
- housing
- other services to encourage self-esteem and self-sufficiency
Our mission in life is to feed the hungry, clothe the needy, shelter the homeless, heal the sick, and empower individuals.
Services provided :
- temporary shelter
- food pantry
- navigating the system
- one-on-one support
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (951) 493-2091 to book your appointment.
Address :
420 Harrison St,
Corona, CA 92880.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Tues: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Wed: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Thurs: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Riverside
- San Bernardino
Rocky Point Fellowship
Rocky Point Fellowship program provides free meal each Tuesday at 2:30 to everyone who may be hungry. We have a food bank to help the needy. We are concerned and do what is possible to help the homeless and the down-and-out.
Services provided :
- food pantry
- meals
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (909) 794-1062 to book your appointment.
Address :
2116 Mentone Blvd,
Mentone, CA 92359.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Tues: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Wed: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Thurs: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
The Blessing Center
Our food pantry provides free food to feed families and individuals in need. We supply groceries for residents that do not have enough food because they lack the resources to purchase it. One large food box is available per family - per week, worth in excess of $75 of quality food products to help prevent homelessness.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (909) 793-5677 to book your appointment.
Address :
Los Angeles, CA 90291.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Tues: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Wed: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Thurs: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Fri: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
Mountain View Family Development
Our food pantry provides free food to feed families and individuals in need. We supply groceries for residents that do not have enough food because they lack the resources to purchase it. We help families from all over the San Bernardino County. We work together with different companies to provide food.
Services include:
- supplemental food
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call to book your appointment.
Address :
8833 Palmetto Ave,
Fontana, CA 92335.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: Closed
- Tues: Closed
- Wed: Closed
- Thurs: Closed
- Fri: Closed
- Sat: 01:30 PM - 03:00 PM EST
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
Victory Christian Center
Benevolence provides non-perishable food items to our church family members who find themselves in temporary need of assistance.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (760) 328-3313 to book your appointment.
Address :
34500 Bob Hope Dr,
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Tues: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Wed: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Thurs: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Riverside
- San Bernardino
Desert Manna
Food Pantry provides emergency food boxes to families in need each year. Low income households can receive emergency food boxes after every 60 days. For more information please call us at 760 256-7797.
Services provided :
- emergency food
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (760) 255-9025 to book your appointment.
Address :
209 N 1st Ave, STE B,
Barstow, CA 92311.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Tues: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Wed: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Thurs: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Fri: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
Community Outreach of Murrieta
The Healthy Food for Healthy Families program provides food at no cost to residents of our community whose personal resources are limited and who are unable to provide adequately for themselves and their families.
Our services provide:
- Nutritional food assistance
Our services take place Wednesdays and Thursdays, but our registration hours are different than our distribution hours. Please check the website for more information.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (951) 677-6347 to book your appointment.
Address :
39493 Los Alamos Rd, SUITE A,
Murrieta, CA 92563.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: Closed
- Tues: Closed
- Wed: 09:30 AM - 01:00 PM EST
- Thurs: 09:30 AM - 01:00 PM EST
- Fri: Closed
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Riverside
- San Bernardino
Youth Hope Foundation
Hot Meals, Grocery Shopping, and a Food Pantry:
YouthHope serves hot nutritious meals three times per week, provides access to fresh grocery goods for youth in need, and also offers access to a non-perishable food pantry for homeless and run-away youth on the streets. YouthHope volunteers, including local church organizations, collaborate to provide hot, nutritious, ready to eat meals at each YouthHope gathering. YouthHope feeds between 70 and 100 hungry youth at each gathering. YouthHope welcomes all youth and no one is ever turned away. YouthHope does not require any registration or formal process by the youth to receive meals or services.
The Food We Serve:
Typical meals may include a pasta dish such as lasagna or spaghetti, salads, breads, and a dessert. We also often serve enchiladas, rice and beans, tortillas, and desserts. Other menu items routinely include; barbecued hot dogs, hamburgers, and chicken. Menu items always include a portion of protein, a starch, vegetable or fruit, and dessert items. Many times, this meal may be the only nutritious meal that our youth receive that day. In addition to providing a hot, nutritious meal to hungry youth, the hot meal time provides a comfortable, relaxed atmosphere that encourages the youth, YouthHope case managers, and volunteers, to interact and establish trusting relationships. It is during these meal times that case managers often have an opportunity to informally discuss concerns and issues that the youth need assistance with.
Clothing & Essentials:
This program also provides youth with clothing throughout the year. YouthHope provides clothing for all seasons; winter, spring, fall, and summer. Youth requiring specific types of clothing for a job interview or summer activity are provided with their specific requirements. In addition to providing outerwear items, we also provide undergarments, socks and other essentials. We do our best to only provide clothing that is in-style, so as to protect the dignity and appearance of our youth.
Youth requiring hygiene items are also provided with necessities such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, bar soap, hair products, feminine hygiene products, and various other essentials.
During the Christmas holiday season, YouthHope sponsors the Shoes for Christmas, Hope for a Lifetime shoe program. YouthHope collaborates with the community at large to purchase a new pair of shoes for each youth. Many times these shoes are the only pair that a youth will receive for an entire year.
When youth are ready, YouthHope case managers and volunteers walk them through our various program options and opportunities. Our ultimate mission is to be a support system for homeless and underserved youth so they may grow up to be healthy, successful adults that exit street life. We serve youth ages 14-24 who are homeless, runaway, or at-risk of becoming homeless. We are a certified non-profit organization providing services in the City of Redlands and the surrounding areas of the Inland Empire.
Services provided :
- food pantry
- clothing
- clothes for work
- home goods
- personal care items
- meals
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (909) 663-4543 to book your appointment.
Address :
1175 W Redlands Blvd,
Redlands, CA 92373.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 03:00 PM - 06:00 PM
- Tues: Closed
- Wed: 03:00 PM - 06:00 PM
- Thurs: 03:00 PM - 06:00 PM
- Fri: Closed
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
Fruit Of Life Ministries
committed to serving the greater Riverside homeless population and the poor with the goal to rescue, restore and rebuild lives in our community. One of our core guiding principles is grounded in partnering with the community.
Services provided :
- community gardens
- food delivery
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call to book your appointment.
Address :
Los Angeles, CA 90291.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Tues: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Wed: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Thurs: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Fri: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Riverside
- San Bernardino
Inland Valley Hope Partners - Sova Program Center
Inland Valley Hope Partners brings together faith communities, businesses, individuals and community groups, and ensures the empowerment of people in need by providing food, shelter and supportive services.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (909) 622-3806 to book your appointment.
Address :
904 E California St,
Ontario, CA 91761.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Cities:
- Ontario
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
The Way Station
The Way Station is a religious non-profit organization located in Joshua Tree, CA. We are dedicated to feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and visiting the sick and imprisoned. We have led thousands of people to Jesus, one at a time. We serve breakfast, lunch, and food boxes to those in need.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (760) 366-8088 to book your appointment.
Address :
61-722 Commercial St,
Joshua Tree, CA 92252.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Cities:
- Joshua Tree
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
Believer's Chapel Pantry
The Believer's Chapel pantry is used for those in need in the community who are without food. We feed between 2500-3000 people per month with food.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (909) 866-2552 to book your appointment.
Address :
42180 Moonridge Rd,
F-H Big Bear Lake, CA 92315.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Cities:
- F-H Big Bear Lake
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
Water of Life - CityLink Food Warehouse
Every Tuesday and Thursday 1:30 – 2:30 (Homeless & Handicap) and 2:30 - 6:00 (General Public), THE Food wareHOUSE is open to meet the needs of people through prayer ministry, free groceries, and our clothing thrift store. Our Water of Life Food Warehouse provides over 4,000 boxes of food each month to those in need. As well as blankets, hot soup, and care packs for the homeless. Our servant leaders offer practical help, as well spiritual assistance by listening, praying and ministering God's Word.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (909) 803-1059 to book your appointment.
Address :
16815 Spring St,
Fontana, CA 92335.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Cities:
- Fontana
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
High Desert TLC - Gateway Food Pantry
Gateway Food Pantry, a division of High Desert TLC, is now open to serve low-income families, single parents with children, emancipated foster youth, and homeless individuals. The pantry is located at The Gate Church, 11783 Amethyst Road, Victorville, CA 92392. The hours of operation are; Every Sunday from12 noon to 1:30pm, Every Monday from 9am to 12 noon, Every Wednesday from 6pm to 8pm. Food is also available on an emergency basis throughout the week.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (760) 949-8282 to book your appointment.
Address :
11783 Amethyst Rd,
Victorville, CA 92392.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Cities:
- Victorville
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
Yucaipa Family Assistance
As a non-Profit organization our priority is to provide temporary emergency food to familes of low-income. This service relies on donations, both monetary and food items. We make a special effort to maintain a constant menu in our food boxes, of which several may be prepared, for approximately three to four days. We are very proud of our food service and the response from our clients is very positive! We serve residents of the Yucaipa area, within the Yucaipa-Calimesa Joint School District boundaries.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (909) 797-0244 to book your appointment.
Address :
35075 Ave,
B Yucaipa, CA 92399.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Cities:
- B Yucaipa
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
Mary's Mercy Center, Inc.
Mary's Mercy Center is a Gospel response to the less fortunate. It is a place where they find compassion and acceptance, regardless of their condition of life, and find services that meet their basic needs. Mary's Mercy Center attempts through its programs to build up and affirm the personal dignity and worth of each person that has been taken from him/her by poverty and the social ills of our times. Mary's Table provides a hot nutritious meal six days a week, including all holidays except Christmas Day. Meals are served to all who come regardless of their situation and no identification is required. After our guests are seated, volunteers serve them their coffee, ice tea, and/or milk. There are no limits on how many servings or how often they wish or need to eat. Over 8,000 meals are served each month. Our food comes from many different sources: almost all of our meat is donated; some food and all staples are purchased from food banks, stores and large corporations. We share food among our fellow non-profits when there is an over abundance. St. Martin de Porres Emergency Food Bag Program distributes food bags every Wednesday, except the first Wednesday of the Month. Approximately 1,200 families are helped each month. For those with a facility to cook the bags contain beans, rice, tomato sauce, bread, cereal, fruit, etc. For the homeless and unable to cook the bags contain canned foods, cups of soup, energy bars, peanut butter and jelly, fruit, bread and bottled water. No identification is required to receive assistance.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (909) 889-2558 to book your appointment.
Address :
641 N Roberds Ave,
San Bernardino, CA 92411.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Cities:
- San Bernardino
Help Residents of Counties:
- San Bernardino
Drive-thru Food Pantries
Since the start of the coronavirus, drive-thru food pantries have become the safest, most efficient way to provide food to our struggling neighbors.
Who can visit a drive-thru pantry?
Drive-thru pantries are open for anyone who needs help getting food. There are no eligibility criteria. Visitors do not need to provide any identification or income statements.
Only two piece of information is asked
- You Zipcode, and
- Number of people in their family.
You dont need to take appointment. Drive-thru pantries are first-come, first served so plan to arrive early.
How do drive-thru pantries actually work?
There are lot of volunteers help at Drive-thru food pantries. While not all drive-thru pantries operate in the same way, here�s how most work:
Staff and volunteers direct visitors to the parking area.
Visitors pull up to the pantry in their car and are usually guided into a clearly marked queue. As people move through the pantry, staff will continue to move the cars forward to get everyone through as quickly and safely as possible.
You are required to fill some information for Pantry's recording keeping.
Food is loaded into the cars.
Pre-packed bags of food, usually full of shelf-stable items like pasta, canned fruit and peanut butter, as well as fresh produce and meats are loaded by volunteers into the trunk of the car.
Pet Food Pantry
One in four pet owners who give up their pets to a shelter say it is because they cannot afford to care for them. Pet Food Pantries are designed to fill the void in the nation�s current assistance programs that exclude the purchase of food and supplies for family pets.
The Pet Food Pantry provides free pet food, for 3 months or less, to pet owners who cannot afford to feed their pets in San Bernardino, California
Who are eligible for Pet Food Pantry
Pet Food Pantry helps people who are:
- All ages, races and marital status
- Unemployed or underemployed
- Retired, living on social security or other limited income
- Physically or mentally disabled
- Experiencing homelessness or housing instability
Tips for Visiting a Food Pantry
Show up early.
This is very important. This means you will be first in line and have a chance to get the items that are sought after and in limited quantities such as fresh produce, dairy and frozen food.
You don't usually need to show up hours ahead of time but coming at least an hour before is usually a good idea.
Remember all documentation.
Many food pantries require documentation to prove who you are, and in some cases, where you live.
This is to make sure people are not coming more than they are allowed or using fake names to do so. Call ahead of time to find out what documentation is needed.
It's just your photo ID and a piece of mail that verifies your address.
Use several food banks.
Using more than one food bank (when available) is smart because you may be able to get something at one that you may not get at another.
For instance, one may have a deal with a local gardener that gives them their extras. This may mean this food bank has more produce.
Eligible for other programs?
Ask your Department of Social Services office if you are eligible for other assistance programs to supplement your household’s food supply.
They can easily tell you if you can apply for WIC (Women and Infant Children), USDA Commodities or SNAP(Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) benefits.
Ask about extras.
If you have special needs for infants or special diets, the pantries may be able to assist you.
Many times, they can help with diapers, baby formula, baby food, personal hygiene products, and even special diet items like gluten free or sugar free foods.
Go on different days of the week.
Depending on the food pantry, they may be open only one or two days a week or they may be open all seven days. When you have a choice, going midweek is often best as it is less crowded.
Be polite to workers.
Nearly everyone at a food bank is a volunteer. Be polite to the workers there as they often deal with highly emotional situations.
FAQ(Frequently Asked Questions)
1. What is the difference between a food bank and a food pantry?
Independent community food pantries are self-governing and usually distribute food to their clients on a once-a-month basis. A food bank is the storehouse for millions of pounds of food and other products that go out to the community. A food pantry functions as the arms that reach out to that community directly.
2. What kind of food is at a food pantry?
Specifically, food banks often need items like:
- Peanut butter
- Canned soup
- Canned fruit
- Canned vegetables
- Pasta
- Canned beans
- Canned stew
- Canned fish
3. Who can go to food pantry?
At the majority of food pantries, eligibility is based on self-attested need. You do not need to have a referral, and income is not a factor to receive food.
4. What is the difference between a food pantry and a soup kitchen?
A food pantry provides three-day food packages to families that have a place to live, but not enough food. These packages are designed to provide nutritionally balanced meals. Soup kitchens serve individuals in need of a hot meal, the only meal of the day for many of them.
5. How does a food pantry work?
Food Banks acquire large donations of edible but unmarketable food from the food industry and distribute it to organizations that feed hungry people. Then they provide this food to family in a need.