A number of food banks, soup kitchens for hot meals and free emergency food pantries in Alameda, California distribute groceries to individuals or families who are in some form of an emergency situation.
There are also meals, free bags of food, personal toiletries and household goods for low to moderate income families from food pantries near you.
Distribution centers can include churches, non-profit organizations, community action agencies, and many other local charities as well as non-profits.
Salvation Army Food Pantry
The Salvation Army is dedicated to eliminating food insecurity.
The Salvation Army operates free local food banks around Alameda, California from almost all of their local social service centers. The charity organization is involved in feeding millions of families each year, with a large percentage of those assisted being children as well as the elderly.
We have located 9 Salvation Army Food Pantry locations in Alameda, California which provides a wide array of services. We have partnered so you can also check your eligibility.
The Salvation Army - Social Services - Oakland: Booth Memorial Child Day Care Center
Services provided :
- Day Care
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (510) 535-5088 to book your appointment.
Address :
2794 Garden St, MAIL,
Oakland, CA 94601.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Counties:
- Alameda
Salvation Army Family Store
Services provided :
- Salvation Army Family Store
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (510) 538-2759 to book your appointment.
Address :
1027 A St,
Hayward, CA 94541.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Counties:
- Alameda
The Salvation Army - OAKLAND, CA: Adult Rehabilitation Center
Services provided :
- Adult Rehabilitation Center
- Rehabilitation
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (510) 451-4514 to book your appointment.
Address :
601 Webster St,
Oakland, CA 94607.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Counties:
- Alameda
The Salvation Army - OAKLAND (Chinatown), CA: Corps Community Center
Services provided :
- Camping Activities
- Character Building Programs
- Christian Education
- Day Camp Activities
- Men's Ministries
- Nutrition Programs
- Senior Citizen Clubs
- Visitation Services
- Women's Ministries
- Worship Services - Children's / Teen
- Worship Services - Church
- Worship Services - Sunday School
- Worship Services - Young Adult
- Worship Services - Youth Ministries
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (510) 645-9710 to book your appointment.
Address :
379 12th St,
Oakland, CA 94607.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Counties:
- Alameda
Salvation Army Family Store and Donation Trailer
Services provided :
- Drop Box
- Salvation Army Family Store
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (510) 769-7401 to book your appointment.
Address :
1918 Park St,
Alameda, CA 94501.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Counties:
- Alameda
The Salvation Army - Alameda County Command: Administrative Office
Services provided :
- Casework Services
- Clinics Services
- Disaster Services
- Domestic Violence Services
- Emergency Financial Assistance
- Emergency Shelter
- Food & Nutrition Programs
- Seasonal Services
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (510) 383-9300 to book your appointment.
Address :
130 Doolittle Dr, STE 12,
San Leandro, CA 94577.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Counties:
- Alameda
The Salvation Army of Redwood City
Nearly 30 million Americans receive assistance from The Salvation Army each year through the broadest array of social services that range from providing food for the hungry, relief for disaster victims, assistance for the disabled, outreach to the elderly and ill, clothing and shelter to the homeless and opportunities for underprivileged children. When hard times hit, The Salvation Army is here to help meet all of your basic needs. Whether you need a bag of groceries to get through the week, a hot meal, or assistance paying an outstanding bill, every county in California has either a Salvation Army Worship and Community Center, Service Center, or Service Unit representative ready to help.
Services provided :
- disaster response
- emergency payments
- emergency food
- food pantry
- nutrition education
- toys & gifts
- financial assistance
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (650) 368-4643ext to book your appointment.
Address :
660 Veterans Blvd,
Redwood City, CA 94063.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 09:00 AM - 04:30 PM
- Tues: 09:00 AM - 04:30 PM
- Wed: 09:00 AM - 04:30 PM
- Thurs: 09:00 AM - 04:30 PM
- Fri: Closed
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Alameda
- Contra Costa
- Marin
- San Francisco
- San Mateo
The Salvation Army In Tri-Cities Corps
The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.
Guided by the love of God and motivated by the spirit of humanitarianism, the Tri-Cities Center embraces those in need and serves surrounding neighborhoods by providing a hand up — not a hand out.
Shelter - The Salvation Army provide many programs that offer refuge to struggling men, women, children and families from overnight and emergency shelters for those finding themselves homeless for the first time to transitional living centers that help rebuild lives.
Bill Pay Assistance - We help struggling families and individuals avoid falling into the cycle of crisis by supplementing their income with utility, rent and other vital payments. The Tri-Cities Center provides assistance with past due notices, by appointment only.
Employment Assistance - As part of our comprehensive approach to helping families and individuals overcome poverty, we offer educational resources, career coaching and job placement opportunities to assist those in need secure stable and gainful employment.
Meal Assistance - Many families and individuals facing poverty often must make the painful choice heating and eating - that is, they must decide whether they'll pay their bills or pay for food. Without sufficient funds, many are forced to go without a warm, nutritious meal in order to keep a roof over their head.
Appointment Only Emergency Food Pantry provides Newark, Fremont, and Union City residents with non-perishable pantry items once every 30 days. Please call us to make your appointment. Diapers, wipes, and personal care products are offered when available.
Monday from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm at Los Robles Apartments in Union City
Tuesday from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm at Harbor Lights Church in Fremont
Thursday from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm at Centro De Servicios in Union City (Produce Only)
Documents Required:
Picture ID required for adults.
Medical Card or Birth Certificate for children.
Piece of mail with address and proof of income required to register.
Picture ID Or TSA card required to pick up food.
USDA Commodities Program is available on the third Friday of each month (Schedule changes will be announced.) from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm. Newark, Fremont, and Union City residents can receive a bag of non-perishable pantry items once per month. One bag per address.
Documents Required:
Must bring a piece of mail with address to register.
Please bring TSA card if you have one to pick up food.
Services provided :
- food pantry
- temporary shelter
- short-term housing
- help pay for utilities
- navigating the system
- support network
- help find work
- job placement
- skills & training
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (510) 793-6319 to book your appointment.
Address :
36601 Newark Blvd, SUITE 50,
Newark, CA 94560.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Tues: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Wed: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Thurs: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Alameda
The Salvation Army Oakland Garden Center Corps
The Salvation Army Oakland Garden Center Corps helps cure hunger by offering access to free, fresh produce and canned goods. We provide valuable meal supplementation while helping those in need maintain their independence and dignity.
Documents needed:
• Proof of address
• Proof of income
• ID
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (510) 534-2303 to book your appointment.
Address :
2794 Garden St,
Oakland, CA 94601.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 11:00 AM - 01:00 PM
- Tues: Closed
- Wed: 11:00 AM - 01:00 PM
- Thurs: Closed
- Fri: 11:00 AM - 01:00 PM
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Alameda
Church Food Pantry
A number of churches around Alameda, California have food pantries for those in their neighborhoods who are in need of food items.
Churches operate with food donations gathered and deliver to the food pantry nearest you by individuals using food drives.
Some churches also deliver food items to elderly who are unable to drive to a nearest community food pantry. Please contact your local church directly.
We have located 12 Church Food Pantry locations in Alameda, California which provides a wide array of services. We have partnered so you can also check your eligibility.
First Family Church
Food Pantry provides free food to feed families and individuals in need. We supply groceries for residents that do not have enough food because they lack the resources to purchase it. We serve everyone from low income families, single parents, senior citizens, unemployed individuals, disabled veterans, working poor, and anyone else that comes to the pantry that needs help. We serve everyone regardless of their race, color, or religion. The amount of food given depends on household size.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (925) 706-1238 to book your appointment.
Address :
3195 Contra Loma Blvd,
Antioch, CA 94509.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Tues: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Wed: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Thurs: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Fri: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Alameda
- Contra Costa
- Marin
- San Francisco
- San Mateo
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Pantry of Hope Program provides groceries to families, seniors and others in the community who have access to cooking facilities but who have a difficult time affording wholesome nutritious food throughout the month.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (510) 834-4314 to book your appointment.
Address :
114 Montecito Ave,
Oakland, CA 94610.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: Closed
- Tues: Closed
- Wed: Closed
- Thurs: Closed
- Fri: Closed
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Alameda
Halcyon Baptist Church
The Halcyon Food Pantry strives to meet the physical needs of residents of Alameda County. It is the recipient of national awards and is well known for the quantity of food given and the love that is shown to all who come. In addition we have a clothes closet and special food items geared toward the homeless and those with a limited ability to cook. Our giveaways are the 3rd Wednesday of each month.
Services provided :
- food pantry
- clothing
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (510) 351-3921 to book your appointment.
Address :
2860 Halcyon Dr,
San Leandro, CA 94578.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: Closed
- Tues: Closed
- Wed: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
- Thurs: Closed
- Fri: Closed
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Alameda
New Life Christian Church
Food Pantry offers free weekly food distribution every Thursday evening from 6pm-7pm. New applicants should arrive at 5:30pm for registration. Valid Registration acceptable is a California ID or Drivers License.
For more information please contact the office at (510) 889-1304 during the hours of 9am and 5pm Tuesday through Friday.
Services provided :
- food delivery
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (510) 889-1304 to book your appointment.
Address :
1265 B St,
Hayward, CA 94541.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: Closed
- Tues: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Wed: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Thurs: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Alameda
First United Methodist Church
Tri-City Volunteers Program provides food, clothing, furniture and household items to people in need.
Services provided :
- food pantry
- clothing
- home goods
- furniture
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (510) 490-0200 to book your appointment.
Address :
Los Angeles, CA 90291.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: Closed
- Tues: 01:00 PM - 08:00 PM EST
- Wed: 01:00 PM - 08:00 PM EST
- Thurs: 01:00 PM - 08:00 PM EST
- Fri: 01:00 PM - 08:00 PM EST
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Alameda
City Of Refuge United Church of Christ (UCC)
Word of Mouth Food Pantry provides food to families and individuals in need on the 4th Saturday of the month. Our set up is special. We do not give out bags of food, but instead allow our guests to "shop" as if they were in a grocery store. This gives the guests the opportunity the pick what they like, not what we think they should have.
We distribute all types of food. We have meats, canned goods, milk, soups, fresh vegetables, and juices. We also have gluten free and vegan items.
Services provided :
- food pantry
- clothing
- personal care items
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (510) 633-6316 to book your appointment.
Address :
8400 Enterprise Way,
Oakland, CA 94621.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: Closed
- Tues: Closed
- Wed: Closed
- Thurs: Closed
- Fri: Closed
- Sat: 11:00 AM - 02:00 PM
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Cities:
- Oakland
Faith Lutheran Church of Castro Valley - Food Pantry
We are an emergency food source for low-income families or individuals. Referrals are accepted from agencies, churches and community groups helping people with emergency needs. The referrals are directed to the Faith Lutheran Church Office. We provide non-perishable food for 2 days. Individuals or agencies may pick up the box of food at the Food Pantry. A family or individual may receive food once every 3 months, or 4 times in a 12-month period, excluding the annual Thanksgiving food basket giveaway. Agencies can provide up to 10 names each week. Faith Lutheran Church is associated with the Alameda County Community Food Bank in it’s task to provide food to those in need.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (510) 582-0818 to book your appointment.
Address :
20080 Redwood Rd,
Castro Valley, CA 94546.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Cities:
- Castro Valley
Help Residents of Counties:
- Alameda
Open Heart Kitchen at Asbury United Methodist Church
Open Heart Kitchen serves prepared, nutritious meals free of charge to the hungry people of Tri-Valley area. Open Heart Kitchen is the only hot meal program of its kind in the Tri-Valley Area. We feed the hungry every weekday at five locations in Pleasanton, Livermore and Dublin – no questions asked. Founded in 1995 as an interfaith effort, Open Heart Kitchen serves more than 236,000 meals annually. In 2013 we surpassed that record and served over 281,000 meals. There is no qualifying process. Meals may be eaten at our multiple serving sites or taken to go. Our guests come from all walks of life: the homeless; senior on fixed incomes; the unemployed and underemployed; and low-income families struggling to make ends meet. Open Heart Kitchen serves as their safety net. We work in cooperation with the Alameda County Community Food Bank, more than a dozen local food pantries and various Tri-Valley non-profits whose missions promote nutrition and hunger relief. Open Heart Kitchen at Asbury United Methodist Church: Tuesday & Wednesday 12-6 pm
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (925) 580-1616 to book your appointment.
Address :
4743 East Ave,
Livermore, CA 94550.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Cities:
- Livermore
Help Residents of Counties:
- Alameda
Open Heart Kitchen at Trinity Lutheran Church
Open Heart Kitchen serves prepared, nutritious meals free of charge to the hungry people of Tri-Valley area. Open Heart Kitchen is the only hot meal program of its kind in the Tri-Valley Area. We feed the hungry every weekday at five locations in Pleasanton, Livermore and Dublin – no questions asked. Founded in 1995 as an interfaith effort, Open Heart Kitchen serves more than 236,000 meals annually. In 2013 we surpassed that record and served over 281,000 meals. There is no qualifying process. Meals may be eaten at our multiple serving sites or taken to go. Our guests come from all walks of life: the homeless; senior on fixed incomes; the unemployed and underemployed; and low-income families struggling to make ends meet. Open Heart Kitchen serves as their safety net. We work in cooperation with the Alameda County Community Food Bank, more than a dozen local food pantries and various Tri-Valley non-profits whose missions promote nutrition and hunger relief. Open Heart Kitchen at Trinity Lutheran Church: Friday 4-6pm
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (925) 580-1616 to book your appointment.
Address :
1225 Hopyard Rd,
Pleasanton, CA 94566.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Cities:
- Pleasanton
Help Residents of Counties:
- Alameda
Open Heart Kitchen at Pathway Community Church
Open Heart Kitchen serves prepared, nutritious meals free of charge to the hungry people of Tri-Valley area. Open Heart Kitchen is the only hot meal program of its kind in the Tri-Valley Area. We feed the hungry every weekday at five locations in Pleasanton, Livermore and Dublin – no questions asked. Founded in 1995 as an interfaith effort, Open Heart Kitchen serves more than 236,000 meals annually. In 2013 we surpassed that record and served over 281,000 meals. There is no qualifying process. Meals may be eaten at our multiple serving sites or taken to go. Our guests come from all walks of life: the homeless; senior on fixed incomes; the unemployed and underemployed; and low-income families struggling to make ends meet. Open Heart Kitchen serves as their safety net. We work in cooperation with the Alameda County Community Food Bank, more than a dozen local food pantries and various Tri-Valley non-profits whose missions promote nutrition and hunger relief. Open Heart Kitchen at Pathway Community Church: Monday 4-6 pm
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (925) 580-1616 to book your appointment.
Address :
6533 Sierra Ln,
Dublin, CA 94568.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Cities:
- Dublin
Help Residents of Counties:
- Alameda
Bethel Community Presbyterian Church - Food Pantry
Open every Thursday from 6:30-8PM. Open third (3rd) Saturday of the Month from 11AM - 1PM. Please bring your own bags, verification of Alameda County residence and and some form of identification.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (510) 352-3979 to book your appointment.
Address :
14235 Bancroft Ave,
San Leandro, CA 94578.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Cities:
- San Leandro
Help Residents of Counties:
- Alameda
Lake Merritt United Methodist Church - Food Pantry
Are you in need of food assistance? The Food Pantry distributes food the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month, 9:30am - 12:00pm. You can find the food distribution on the Lakeshore side of the church building, at the bottom of the stairs. You qualify for the food distribution if you are low-income and in need of food assistance. The Lake Merritt UMC Food Pantry works under the auspices of the Alameda County Community Food Bank.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (510) 465-4793 to book your appointment.
Address :
1330 Lakeshore Ave,
Oakland, CA 94606.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Cities:
- Oakland
Help Residents of Counties:
- Alameda
Catholic Charities Food Pantry
Resources provided by the Catholic Charity organization focus on addressing food, holiday, and immigration needs.
Families of all religions, backgrounds, and cultures can contact Catholic Charity centers for help.
Catholic Charities in Alameda, California are open to families on a first-come, first-serve basis. The centers operate during normal business hours, and provide walk-ins with groceries, food boxes, and items to prepare a meal.
The food pantries are like grocery stores, allow clients the ability to choose the items they need from the groceries that are available on site.
First-time clients of the food pantry will need to apply, and this is done from a one-page application. An applicant will need to provide basic household member as well as demographic information.
We have located 1 Catholic Charities Food Pantry locations in Alameda, California which provides a wide array of services. We have partnered so you can also check your eligibility.
Oakland Catholic Worker
Every Thursday Oakland Catholic Worker has a food distribution for a diverse group of people in the community. We hand out bags or boxes of groceries to families and individuals each week. Most of the food comes from the Alameda County Community Food Bank, and usually includes lots of fresh produce, bread, and sometimes canned goods, rice, beans, or eggs.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (510) 533-7375 to book your appointment.
Address :
4848 International Blvd,
Oakland, CA 94601.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: Closed
- Tues: Closed
- Wed: Closed
- Thurs: 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
- Fri: Closed
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Alameda
Helping Hands Food Pantry
Helping Hands is a faith-based 501(c)(3) food pantry operated around Alameda, California almost entirely by volunteers.
It provides a 7-day supply of groceries and personal care items free of charge to people in need, regardless of their religious beliefs.
Helping Hands is supported entirely by donations from individuals, service organizations, churches, and businesses in our community.
Find a local helping hands food pantry open near you.
We have located 0 Helping Hand Food Pantry locations in Alameda, California which provides a wide array of services. We have partnered so you can also check your eligibility.
Mobile Food Pantry
The mobile food pantry program distributes food directly to families in communities around Alameda, California in need during large-scale one-day distributions.
A typical mobile pantry serves 200-250 families distributing up to 10,000 pounds of food. This past year over 6.6 million pounds were distributed through this program.
Mobile food pantries usually visit churches, community centers, schools, shopping centers, and other convenient locations. They usually go to areas where there aren't grocery stores or other food pantries.
Mobile Food Pantry Schedule 2025
Unlike traditional food pantries where you go to them, mobile pantry trucks come to you. Food banks sometimes have an online mobile food pantry schedule.
Mobile food pantry scheduled to visit a community once a week or once a month. There may be last-minute cancellations or changes so recheck the mobile food pantry schedule before you plan to go.
We have located 0 Mobile Food Pantry locations in Alameda, Model.Content.StateName which provides a wide array of services. We have partnered so you can also check your eligibility.
St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry
The St. Vincent de Paul food pantry operates around Alameda, California much like a grocery store where people in need can choose their own food. It helps to enhance their personal dignity and reduces waste due to unwanted food items.
It also helps them to be proactive in addressing any underlying health issues. This is our model of choice for food pantries in the future.
We have located 0 St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry locations in Alameda, California which provides a wide array of services. We have partnered so you can also check your eligibility.
Food Pantry Delivery Program
Food Pantry Delivery Program delivers food and other products once a month at twenty points in around Alameda, California area. This makes it just a bit easier for some of more remote rural agencies to receive their products. About 70% of members take advantage of the Food Pantry Delivery Program.
Food Pantry
We have located 24 Food Pantry locations in Alameda, California which provides a wide array of services. We have partnered so you can also check your eligibility.
Episcopal Senior Communities currently sponsors Senior Produce Markets that sell fresh fruits and vegetables at cost to approximately 1,000 seniors each week, most of whom are on fixed incomes. In churches, senior centers, and affordable housing sites throughout Northern California, volunteers and elders gather to buy fresh and healthy produce as well as share conversation, meals, and celebrations. Venues provide a resource center for information and referral, education, and networking.
Many of our markets have a mission within a mission: perishable leftover produce from each market is donated to another non-profit organization that serves seniors and others in need.
For more information about our award-winning Senior Produce Markets, or if you wish to sponsor a market, please contact Sheila Womack ator
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (925) 956-7400 to book your appointment.
Address :
2185 N California Blvd,
Walnut Creek, CA 94596.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Tues: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Wed: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Thurs: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Alameda
- Contra Costa
- Marin
- Monterey
- San Francisco
- Santa Clara
- Sonoma
Novato Human Needs Center
Novato Human Needs Center provides shelter, clothing, food or employment to the poor, the hungry, homeless and the hopeless.
Food Pantry Program provides food for Low-income Novato residents who need food every Tuesday afternoon. Food typically includes fresh produce, dairy, canned and dried foods.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (415) 897-4147 to book your appointment.
Address :
1907 Novato Blvd,
Novato, CA 94947.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 12:00 PM - 08:00 PM EST
- Tues: 12:00 PM - 08:00 PM EST
- Wed: 12:00 PM - 08:00 PM EST
- Thurs: 12:00 PM - 08:00 PM EST
- Fri: 12:00 PM - 08:00 PM EST
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Alameda
- Contra Costa
- Marin
- San Francisco
- San Mateo
Project Open Hand
Project Open Hand’s Wellness Programs focus on serving people who are sick and need nutritious food to support their medical treatment. We believe that our nutritious food is medicine. For people fighting illness, good nutrition can help them heal, get stronger and lead healthier lives.
Our services include:
• Meals: We provide nutritious meals to people living with critical illness. Meals are available for pick up. For clients who are homebound, we offer home-delivered meals.
• Groceries: For clients and caregivers who are able to prepare meals, we offer healthy groceries that can be picked up once a week.
• Nutrition counseling and education: All clients receive a nutrition and wellness assessment from our Registered Dietitians when starting service. Our dietitians are also available for regular check-ins and advice.
Eligible diagnoses to qualify for our wellness program include:
• Autoimmune disease (e.g. Lupus)
• Cancer, active diagnosis
• Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
• Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)
• Coronary Artery Disease
• End-stage renal Disease (ESRD)
• Diabetes
• End-stage Liver Disease (ESLD)
• Hepatitis C
• Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS)
• Multiple Sclerosis
• Serious Neurologic Condition/Stroke/Parkinson’s
• Recent Major Surgery
Our application form is available on our website. Please print out the application form and have your doctor fill it out; application forms must be filled out completely in order to be considered for services. If you have any questions, please contact us.
Services provided :
- food delivery
- food pantry
- nutrition education
- meals
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (800) 551-6325 to book your appointment.
Address :
730 Polk St,
San Francisco, CA 94109.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM
- Tues: 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM
- Wed: 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM
- Thurs: 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM
- Fri: 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM
- Sat: 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Alameda
- San Francisco
Hope 4 the Heart
Our mission is to improve the well-being of every family we serve, by alleviating hunger and improving nutrition. We believe that no one need go hungry in our food rich nation.
We provide food, produce, diapers, and household items to local families who are experiencing food insecurity.
Services provided :
- food pantry
- diapers & formula
- home goods
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (510) 581-4673 to book your appointment.
Address :
22035 Meekland Ave,
Hayward, CA 94541.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Tues: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Wed: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Thurs: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Alameda
Faith Fellowship
Food Pantry program provides food pantry to those who are in need of groceries. Food distribution is available to those who attend Faith Fellowship every 1st Wednesday of the month from 6:00pm-6:45pm. Then it is open to you & the neighborhood on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 3:00pm (not on the 3rd Wednesday). For more information call Arturo Haynes at 510-357-5723 or email arturo@faith-fellowship.us.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (510) 357-5723 to book your appointment.
Address :
577 Manor Blvd,
San Leandro, CA 94579.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
- Tues: 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
- Wed: 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
- Thurs: 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
- Fri: 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Alameda
Oakland Food Pantry
Our Food Pantry offers clients a “client choice”, rather than the traditional already bagged concept. We allow our clients a unique shopping experience by allowing them to select what they like.
Food distribution begins promptly at 10 am until we run out of food. Please do not arrive before 9:30.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (510) 361-4656 to book your appointment.
Address :
1666 7th St,
Oakland, CA 94607.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: Closed
- Tues: Closed
- Wed: Closed
- Thurs: Closed
- Fri: 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM EST
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Cities:
- Oakland
Tri-City Volunteers
Our most important service to the community is our Food Bank. We are the largest client-direct food bank in Alameda County, providing some 16,000 individuals with over 6 million pounds of food in 2013. We receive Emergency Food Boxes from the Alameda County Community Food Bank and Surplus Food from the USDA. We also have strong ties to local stores and small businesses who allow us to rescue good food that would normally go to waste.
Grocery Cart Program
Our Grocery Cart Program clients can expect to receive healthy, nutritious food including: seasonal fruits and vegetables, whole grains, canned and boxed goods, meats, and dairy items. Item availability is based on donations and the season. Clients can access this program twice a month.
Bagged Lunch Program
For clients who may not have access to a stove or food storage, our Bag Lunch Program provides a fresh meal and a warm smile. Sandwiches are often donated by local faith based organizations and school groups. We are always in need of more. About 50 individuals access our bagged lunches every day.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call to book your appointment.
Address :
37350 Joseph St,
Fremont, CA 94536.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 08:30 AM - 04:00 PM
- Tues: 08:30 AM - 04:00 PM
- Wed: 08:30 AM - 04:00 PM
- Thurs: 08:30 AM - 04:00 PM
- Fri: 08:30 AM - 03:00 PM
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Alameda
Care 4 My Lambs Inc
Valley Bible Church Pleasanton program offers food pantry services to families.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (925) 426-2492 to book your appointment.
Address :
7106 Johnson Dr,
Pleasanton, CA 94588.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: Closed
- Tues: Closed
- Wed: Closed
- Thurs: 06:30 PM - 08:00 PM
- Fri: Closed
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Alameda
South Hayward Parish
South Hayward Parish’s Mission is to engage people of faith in the endeavor and partnership of building and maintaining a just and nurturing community. The Parish actively advocates for the rights and dignity of all people, regardless of sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, race, or geographic origin.
Our food pantry or food bank provides emergency food for individuals and families. We provide short term assistance with a two day supply of food for families and individuals.
Services provided :
- emergency food
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (510) 785-3663 to book your appointment.
Address :
27287 Patrick Ave, upstairs,
Hayward, CA 94544.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Tues: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Wed: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Thurs: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Alameda
Tri-City Volunteers
Grocery Cart Program provides healthy, nutritious food including seasonal fruits and vegetables, whole grains, canned and boxed goods, meats and dairy items for individuals in need. For more information call 510-793-4583.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (510) 793-4583 to book your appointment.
Address :
37350 Joseph St,
Fremont, CA 94536.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Tues: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Wed: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Thurs: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Alameda
- Essex
CPC Fremont
CPC Fremont feeds the hungry a hot dinner twice a week in the afternoon. We offer selective take-home packaged food items and other needed items, such as toiletries. We provide a friendly atmosphere where a pastor is always available to talk and pray with anyone who asks for him. We serve special dinners at Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, and other holidays. We share our hope and love with our guests during these special days.
Services provided :
- food pantry
- meals
- personal care items
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (510) 793-3575 to book your appointment.
Address :
4360 Central Ave,
Fremont, CA 94536.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: Closed
- Tues: 04:00 PM - 05:45 PM
- Wed: Closed
- Thurs: 04:00 AM - 05:45 PM
- Fri: Closed
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Cities:
- Fremont
Mercy Brown Bag Program
In 1982, residents at the Mercy Retirement & Care Center saw seniors in their neighborhood going hungry and launched the Brown Bag Program to distribute bags of groceries to hungry seniors in Oakland, CA. Today, 500+ volunteers make sure other seniors can remain self-sufficient and independent in their own homes.
If you are in need of food, you are not alone. Food insecurity is widespread among older adults. We are happy to provide nutritious groceries to our neighbors in Alameda County at one of our meal sites. Each meal site has different distribution days and times.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (510) 534-8540ext to book your appointment.
Address :
3431 Foothill Blvd,
Oakland, CA 94601.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 12:00 PM - 01:30 PM EST
- Tues: Closed
- Wed: Closed
- Thurs: Closed
- Fri: 11:00 AM - 01:30 PM EST
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Alameda
Telegraph Ministry Center
Food Pantry program distributes food to people in need. The pantry is designed to assist individuals and families with emergency food. If you are or someone you know is in need of food, please visit us during our regular hours and we'll be happy to assist you.
Documents Required:
• Photo ID (such as a driver's license or state identification)
Services provided :
- emergency food
- food pantry
- food delivery
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (510) 658-4457 to book your appointment.
Address :
Oakland, CA 94609.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Tues: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Wed: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Thurs: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Alameda
Side by Side
A vibrant LGBTQ community center with drop-in hours, Our Space supports young people in internalizing messages of resilience and fierce love for themselves and their community. Our Space provides the much-needed safe space where LGBTQ youth can express their authentic selves and feel seen, accepted, and celebrated.
Our Space provides:
- Community-building activities such as movie nights and inter-generational potlucks
- Psycho-educational, performance-based, skill building and peer support groups, both at the community center and at sites across Alameda County
- Community-based mental health and case management services
- Gender-affirming clothing closet and stocked food pantry
- Specialized support services for foster youth or youth at risk of entering foster care and their caregivers/families
- Trainings for providers working with LGBTQ youth
Services provided :
- food pantry
- clothing
- mental health care
- community support services
- navigating the system
- support network
- one-on-one support
- peer support
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (510) 566-1226 to book your appointment.
Address :
22245 Main St, STE 102,
Hayward, CA 94541.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: Closed
- Tues: Closed
- Wed: 06:30 PM - 08:30 PM EST
- Thurs: 06:30 PM - 08:30 PM EST
- Fri: Closed
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Alameda
Mercy Brown Bag Program
In 1982, residents at the Mercy Retirement & Care Center saw seniors in their neighborhood going hungry and launched the Brown Bag Program to distribute bags of groceries to hungry seniors in Oakland, CA. Today, 500+ volunteers make sure other seniors can remain self-sufficient and independent in their own homes.
The Mercy Brown Bag Program distributes groceries to seniors throughout Alameda County twice a month, free of charge. Depending on availability, each bag is brimming with nutritious items, such as fresh milk, tomatoes, green peppers, potatoes, carrots, oatmeal, plums, canned goods, low-sodium spaghetti sauce, peanut butter, tuna, eggs and more. Throughout the year, generous donors help us add frozen chicken or ham, stuffing, cranberry sauce and other treats.
Services provided :
- emergency food
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (510) 534-8540ext369 to book your appointment.
Address :
Los Angeles, CA 90291.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Tues: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Wed: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Thurs: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Alameda
HIV Education And Prevention Project Of Alameda County (HEPPAC)
Casa Segura is a safe space where our community of active users can access basic needs services without a lengthy intake process.
Casa Segura Drop-in Center program provides services such as shower, laundry, clothing, food pantry, minor crisis intervention counseling and referrals.
HIV/HCV Counseling, Testing, Referrals and Linkage services are available by appointment only Tuesdays – Fridays.
Services provided :
- food pantry
- clothing
- disease screening
- personal hygiene
- counseling
- navigating the system
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (510) 434-0307 to book your appointment.
Address :
Oakland, CA 94601.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Tues: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Wed: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Thurs: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Alameda
- Contra Costa
Tri-Valley Haven
Tri-Valley Haven Food Pantry distributes free groceries to more than 4,000 low-income Tri-Valley residents. These individuals represent over 500 families who are experiencing hunger. The Haven's permanent Food Pantry — located at the Mar Thoma Church, at 418 Junction Avenue in Livermore — serves as a gateway to our suite of homeless services. Call the Haven's Food Pantry for services (925) 449-1664.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (925) 449-5842 to book your appointment.
Address :
3663 Pacific Ave,
Livermore, CA 94550.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Tues: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Wed: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Thurs: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Fri: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Counties:
- Alameda
Prescott-Joseph Center for Community Enhancement, Inc. (PJCCE)
West Oakland Food Pantry program provides free emergency food and other essential supplies to families in need living in West Oakland. We supply groceries for residents that do not have enough food because they lack the resources to purchase it. We serve everyone from low income families, single parents, senior citizens, unemployed individuals, disabled veterans, working poor, and anyone else that comes to the pantry that needs help. We serve everyone regardless of their race, color, or religion. The amount of food given depends on household size.
Clients must have a referral from Alameda County Community Food Bank to receive services from our pantry.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (510) 835-8683 to book your appointment.
Address :
920 Peralta St,
Oakland, CA 94607.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM
- Tues: Closed
- Wed: 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM
- Thurs: Closed
- Fri: 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Cities:
- Oakland
Viola Blythe Community Services Center
The Viola Blythe Community Service Center of Newark serves Children, men, women and families in immediate need can use the services and programs of the Viola Blythe Community Service Center. No fees are charged for any services provided.
Services Offered:
• Food Distribution
• Baby Food and Formula
• Clothing
• Children’s Shoe Fund
• Referrals to oher Agencies
• Holiday Programs
Services provided :
- food pantry
- diapers & formula
- clothing
- navigating the system
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (510) 794-3437 to book your appointment.
Address :
37365 Ash St,
Newark, CA 94560.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Tues: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Wed: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Thurs: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Fri: 11:00 AM - 08:00 PM EST
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
Help Residents of Cities:
- Fremont
- Newark
- Union City
Tri-City Free Breakfast Program
The Tri-City Free Breakfast program (TCFBP) continues to offer a hot, nutritious breakfast with dignity and respect every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 7:00 to 9:00 a.m. The program is staffed 100% by volunteers. Set-up and food preparation begins shortly after 4:00a.m. with clean-up usually concluded by 9:30a.m. Food is served to tables by volunteer waiters where guests are served as if they were at a restaurant. Our guests include a significant percentage of seniors, families, working poor and homeless people. For many of our guests, this breakfast is the only hot, nutritious meal consumed each day. Meals continue to include a wide range of healthy foods, such as milk, eggs, meat, bread, and fruit and include diabetic sensitive options. Guests are referred to other social services as needed. Donated supplemental food is bagged and available for guests to take home.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (510) 657-3133 to book your appointment.
Address :
4181 Irvington Ave,
Fremont, CA 94538.
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Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Cities:
- Fremont
Help Residents of Counties:
- Alameda
Open Heart Kitchen at Vineyard Christian Fellowship
Open Heart Kitchen serves prepared, nutritious meals free of charge to the hungry people of Tri-Valley area. Open Heart Kitchen is the only hot meal program of its kind in the Tri-Valley Area. We feed the hungry every weekday at five locations in Pleasanton, Livermore and Dublin – no questions asked. Founded in 1995 as an interfaith effort, Open Heart Kitchen serves more than 236,000 meals annually. In 2013 we surpassed that record and served over 281,000 meals. There is no qualifying process. Meals may be eaten at our multiple serving sites or taken to go. Our guests come from all walks of life: the homeless; senior on fixed incomes; the unemployed and underemployed; and low-income families struggling to make ends meet. Open Heart Kitchen serves as their safety net. We work in cooperation with the Alameda County Community Food Bank, more than a dozen local food pantries and various Tri-Valley non-profits whose missions promote nutrition and hunger relief. Open Heart Kitchen at Vineyard Christian Fellowship: Thursday 1-6 pm, Friday 3-6pm
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (925) 580-1616 to book your appointment.
Address :
460 N Livermore Ave,
Livermore, CA 94551.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Cities:
- Livermore
Help Residents of Counties:
- Alameda
Tri-Valley Haven Food Pantry
Each month, the Tri-Valley Haven Food Pantry distributes free groceries to more than 4,000 low-income Tri-Valley residents. These individuals represent over 500 families who are experiencing hunger. As part of the Alameda County Community Food Bank, the pantry is authorized to distribute USDA and county emergency food. We also rely on local grocery stores, community donation drives, and individual donors to meet the needs of our clients. In late 2002, we expanded our service area by setting up mobile service to locations near select seniors' residences in Pleasanton.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (925) 449-1664 to book your appointment.
Address :
418 Junction Ave,
Livermore, CA 94551.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Cities:
- Livermore
Help Residents of Counties:
- Alameda
Project Open Hand Oakland
Project Open Hand is a nonprofit organization that provides meals with love to seniors and the critically ill. Every day, we prepare 2,500 nutritious meals and provide 200 bags of healthy groceries to help sustain our clients as they battle serious illnesses, isolation, or the health challenges of old age. We serve San Francisco and Alameda Counties, engaging more than 125 volunteers every day to nourish our community. Oakland Hours: Grocery Center & Meal Pick-up: 10:00 am – 2:00 pm, Monday – Friday; Client Services Department: Drop-in: 10:00 am – 2:00 pm, Monday – Friday, By phone: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday – Friday (you can also leave a message at anytime)
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (510) 622-0221 to book your appointment.
Address :
1921 San Pablo Ave,
Oakland, CA 94612.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Cities:
- Oakland
Help Residents of Counties:
- Alameda
Berkeley Food Pantry
The Berkeley Food Pantry, which serves over 21,000 Berkeley and Albany residents annually, has been providing emergency food aid since 1969, when several members of the Berkeley Friends Church began buying canned food and distributing it to those in need. Since 1990 the Pantry has been an official USDA distribution site. In addition, we purchase food from the Alameda County Community Food Bank and grocery outlets. The Pantry also seeks in-kind donations of food and cash donations. The Pantry is open three afternoons a week - Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 2:00 to 4:00. The Pantry depends upon a dedicated corps of volunteers to carry out it's services. Over 3,500 hours of volunteer service are invested in our operation every year.
Services provided :
- food pantry
Appointments :
You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call (510) 525-2280 to book your appointment.
Address :
1600 Sacramento St,
Berkeley, CA 94702.
Get Directions
Hours Of Operations :
- Mon:
- Tues:
- Wed:
- Thurs:
- Fri:
- Sat:
- Sun:
Help Residents of Cities:
- Berkeley
Help Residents of Counties:
- Alameda
Drive-thru Food Pantries
Since the start of the coronavirus, drive-thru food pantries have become the safest, most efficient way to provide food to our struggling neighbors.
Who can visit a drive-thru pantry?
Drive-thru pantries are open for anyone who needs help getting food. There are no eligibility criteria. Visitors do not need to provide any identification or income statements.
Only two piece of information is asked
- You Zipcode, and
- Number of people in their family.
You dont need to take appointment. Drive-thru pantries are first-come, first served so plan to arrive early.
How do drive-thru pantries actually work?
There are lot of volunteers help at Drive-thru food pantries. While not all drive-thru pantries operate in the same way, here�s how most work:
Staff and volunteers direct visitors to the parking area.
Visitors pull up to the pantry in their car and are usually guided into a clearly marked queue. As people move through the pantry, staff will continue to move the cars forward to get everyone through as quickly and safely as possible.
You are required to fill some information for Pantry's recording keeping.
Food is loaded into the cars.
Pre-packed bags of food, usually full of shelf-stable items like pasta, canned fruit and peanut butter, as well as fresh produce and meats are loaded by volunteers into the trunk of the car.
Pet Food Pantry
One in four pet owners who give up their pets to a shelter say it is because they cannot afford to care for them. Pet Food Pantries are designed to fill the void in the nation�s current assistance programs that exclude the purchase of food and supplies for family pets.
The Pet Food Pantry provides free pet food, for 3 months or less, to pet owners who cannot afford to feed their pets in Alameda, California
Who are eligible for Pet Food Pantry
Pet Food Pantry helps people who are:
- All ages, races and marital status
- Unemployed or underemployed
- Retired, living on social security or other limited income
- Physically or mentally disabled
- Experiencing homelessness or housing instability
Tips for Visiting a Food Pantry
Show up early.
This is very important. This means you will be first in line and have a chance to get the items that are sought after and in limited quantities such as fresh produce, dairy and frozen food.
You don't usually need to show up hours ahead of time but coming at least an hour before is usually a good idea.
Remember all documentation.
Many food pantries require documentation to prove who you are, and in some cases, where you live.
This is to make sure people are not coming more than they are allowed or using fake names to do so. Call ahead of time to find out what documentation is needed.
It's just your photo ID and a piece of mail that verifies your address.
Use several food banks.
Using more than one food bank (when available) is smart because you may be able to get something at one that you may not get at another.
For instance, one may have a deal with a local gardener that gives them their extras. This may mean this food bank has more produce.
Eligible for other programs?
Ask your Department of Social Services office if you are eligible for other assistance programs to supplement your household’s food supply.
They can easily tell you if you can apply for WIC (Women and Infant Children), USDA Commodities or SNAP(Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) benefits.
Ask about extras.
If you have special needs for infants or special diets, the pantries may be able to assist you.
Many times, they can help with diapers, baby formula, baby food, personal hygiene products, and even special diet items like gluten free or sugar free foods.
Go on different days of the week.
Depending on the food pantry, they may be open only one or two days a week or they may be open all seven days. When you have a choice, going midweek is often best as it is less crowded.
Be polite to workers.
Nearly everyone at a food bank is a volunteer. Be polite to the workers there as they often deal with highly emotional situations.
FAQ(Frequently Asked Questions)
1. What is the difference between a food bank and a food pantry?
Independent community food pantries are self-governing and usually distribute food to their clients on a once-a-month basis. A food bank is the storehouse for millions of pounds of food and other products that go out to the community. A food pantry functions as the arms that reach out to that community directly.
2. What kind of food is at a food pantry?
Specifically, food banks often need items like:
- Peanut butter
- Canned soup
- Canned fruit
- Canned vegetables
- Pasta
- Canned beans
- Canned stew
- Canned fish
3. Who can go to food pantry?
At the majority of food pantries, eligibility is based on self-attested need. You do not need to have a referral, and income is not a factor to receive food.
4. What is the difference between a food pantry and a soup kitchen?
A food pantry provides three-day food packages to families that have a place to live, but not enough food. These packages are designed to provide nutritionally balanced meals. Soup kitchens serve individuals in need of a hot meal, the only meal of the day for many of them.
5. How does a food pantry work?
Food Banks acquire large donations of edible but unmarketable food from the food industry and distribute it to organizations that feed hungry people. Then they provide this food to family in a need.